Why you should cash in on your life chances

Tips for avoiding life insolvency and that feeling of regret

Jesse Wilson


Photo by Moses Vega on Unsplash

How many times have we read and heard phrases like, live the life you want, you only get one chance. Don’t live a life of regret. Stop pretending, be who you are. All sage advice, I am sure you would agree. All advice rooted in changing ourselves and living a better life. For many of us, we look for help and seek advice to achieve these sometimes elusive goals. It is not easy and probably the reason why the personal growth industry is thriving.

I myself have and continue to spend a proportionate amount of my time reading, searching for how to live a better life, what makes a good life. In all of this, I have come to a single conclusion.

You gotta want it, you gotta live the change you want.

I understand and consider myself one of the fortunate ones, lucky enough to have my basic needs and more met. I have a job, a family and a roof over my head. I do not have to worry about where my next meal, is coming from. I have worked to have this life and I am truly grateful. But the truth is I have been given a headstart with my life chances. Life chances I hope to further invest in and do better for myself and others.



Jesse Wilson

Writer | Poet - Inspiring people to find their purpose and live healthier, happier, more loving, and fulfilled lives.