Would You Like the Senior Discount?

Don Feazelle
Published in
4 min readJan 4, 2019


Photo by John Moeses Bauan on Unsplash

With sincerity written all over his face, the young man standing behind the glass said, “Would you like the Senior Discount?”

I am sure he wasn’t speaking to me, since, I was standing behind my wife when he mistakingly said that. Confession time — I chuckled when I heard him.

Pretending outrage, I asked him, “Do we look OLD enough to get the Senior Discount?”

Embarrassment quickly exchanged the look of sincerity as his cheeks quickly reddened. Apologetically, He said, “If I am not sure of a customer’s age, I ask them. Many Seniors don’t know they can get a discount.”

I assured him that I was kidding and was not offended.

Kathy, my wife, went with the flow. She said, “Sure! How much is the discount and what is the age limit?”

The young man replied, “I think the age is sixty.”

Darn, we missed out on the discount by two years. At Denny’s Restaurant, the Senior Discount is 55 which I have availed a time or two.

Ironically, we were purchasing tickets to see the new Clint Eastwood movie, The Mule. The Mule is about a senior man — around ninety — Earl Stone played by Eastwood. Broke, losing his home, estranged from his family, Stone follows a lead from a young man he met at his granddaughter’s wedding and decides…



Don Feazelle

Writer, philosopher, humorist, observer of life, an all-around lovable guy.