I’m Someone Else Whenever I Wake Up

You could be next, if you know how

Katharine Trauger


At first, it’s early

Coffee is imperative. And you need a loved one to check on. Then I find a favorite place to sit and read inspiring works, until something I’ve read wakens my soul. Then I write my insights from my soul to my friend — to her soul.

My friend is going through countless painful changes. She is heavy with self-doubt and raw with loss. She fights daily, hourly, to sustain sanity. She has loved ones who need her to remember true north and to find her words to answer them.

Often, she is the one with the questions. Sometimes I am sure I know the answers. Couching the answers in words that will inspire her soul is important to me.

And to her.

And to her loved ones.


Her questions stump me. Her confusions confuse me. Her pain hurts me. Because she is my friend. Then I have no words. Because of that, she has no words for her loved ones.

For this reason, I daily infuse myself with the Living Words of writers from long ago who wrote from their souls to my soul. Writers who did not mind rising early for my sake are the ones I want to read.



Katharine Trauger

Jesus lover. Professional Mom. Writer, Speaker, Counselor. Contest winner. Woods dweller. Scratch cook. TheConqueringMom.com . Content completely A.I. free.