You Aren’t Who You Think You Are

How to become who you want to be

Elaine Hilides


Man showing woman reflection in broken mirror
Unsplash+ In collaboration with Nick Fancher

“It’s just the way I am,” he shrugged.

Is that true?” I asked.

Ben shrugged again, “I’ve always been like this. I get angry quickly, I’m known for having a quick temper.

Ben had come to see me because he’d pulled the pin and thrown a grenade into his latest relationship. He wanted to do things differently but didn’t believe it was possible because this was the way he was made.

I used to be like this. I had a side bite that got more pronounced as I got older and by the time I was seven, my jaw was so twisted my eye was drooping so I had a brace to straighten the jaw before the bones set.

It worked and I have a straight smile. But whenever I got angry, and I got angry often, my jaw slipped into what felt like its natural position.

My daughters tell me that when they were young, they shouted to each other, “Side bite, run for your life.”

And, like Ben, I used to say this is who I am.

But I was wrong.

This is Who I Am

When people say this, do you find there’s a kind of take or leave-it undertone?



Elaine Hilides

I can help you go from anxious to peaceful. Wellbeing coach for over a decade. Author, and International speaker, lives by the sea.