You Don’t Need to Be Open in Your Writing, You Need to Be Vulnerable

There’s a difference.

Victoria Marie Goulding ☘️


Photo: Ricardo Santos Photographer

Yesterday, I got some constructive feedback on my writing from a guy who’s very successful on Steemit. Let’s call him Bob.

It was the first time that I felt someone was being genuinely honest with me and it really made me think.

Up until that point, all I’d been receiving was words of praise.

“You should quit your day job and become a writer!”

“You have such a talent, Vicki.”

“Why don’t you have more recognition?”

And although well-meaning, those kind of comments aren’t really helpful. It’s really not what I’m looking for. What I want is to learn how I can improve. I mean, if I was really as good as everyone says I am, I could write a book this year, publish it and instantly become a best selling author.


Yeah, I didn’t think so either.

Like any craft, it takes years of hard work to refine your skills. It takes a lot of mistakes, failure and learning before you could even consider yourself a smidgen “successful”.

That’s my opinion anyway.

