You Should Never Hide What You Really Like

Your quirks are just what we need.

Kevin Horton


With all the new trends and updates going live every second, it’s hard to figure out what we actually like. There’s just so much being thrown in our faces that we lose our ability to point out what satisfies our cravings.

Since the invention of social media, as well as the internet, advertising has spread faster and on a more accessible level to the public.

This is good—this technological advancement of our modern civilization. But in the crevices of what we witness on a broad scale sits the all-too-common notion that if you want attention, you have to do what everyone else is doing.

It doesn’t end there, though. You also have to like what everyone else likes, or else you’re just weird, strange, odd, and every other synonym you can think of. To this end, we then direct our likes and dislikes with this in mind.

Founding most of our purchases off of what’s popular instead of what matches our unique tastes, we blend in with a culture that is miles apart from who we really are.

Most people are simply doing what they’ve seen someone else doing anyway. So living in light of our attempts to “fit in” becomes the priority, while we take the backseat.



Kevin Horton

Designer. Helping content creators build the right online audience →