Your Biggest Fear Isn’t Failure, Quite the Opposite

It’s not having the courage to be all that you can be

Laura Bosch


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Like most people, you probably have a handful of ‘idols’ that you look up to. People who you admire and aspire to be like. You read their writing, you watch their interviews, you listen to their podcasts, you follow them on social media; you don’t want to miss out on what they have to say and following their work is a way to learn from their journey.

In a way it’s great to follow what your idols are up to. You can learn about how they got to where they are today, and you can emulate their journey — heck, maybe you can even get in touch with them and ask them for advice!

So why does this ‘access’ to your idols sometimes feel so awful?

Well, consider this. Which of these options would you be most afraid of?

Option A: Running a 100m race against Usain Bolt

Option B: Running a 100m race against someone your own age and gender, with similar fitness levels to you

My guess is, that Option B is more daunting. Everyone knows what the outcome of Option A is going to be. Unless Usain Bolt accidentally ties his shoelaces together or is asked to carry a cow on his shoulders, he’s going to win the race. There’s no pressure on you…



Laura Bosch

Candid stories and actionable insights about work and life to help you navigate adulthood and embrace a life in limbo.