Your Secret Misogyny

Crystal Jackson
Published in
6 min readFeb 25, 2019


Photo by Peter Forster on Unsplash

There’s a lot of misogyny in the world masquerading as woke. This hatred of women is so deeply ingrained that a lot of the people who hold these ideas think they are actually evolved, socially-conscious individuals who are not in the least bit sexist. While they may not be doing the most obvious harm, it’s still harmful. Not just to feminism but to society at large.

The Big Secret

It’s the secret that is so secret, in fact, that they often don’t realize it is there at all. I see traces of it everywhere. It’s not hard to see, if you’re looking. And it’s hard not to look if you’re at all conscious of social justice and issues of equality. It comes out in the microaggressions that have been normalized to the point that most people just accept it as a matter of course. They don’t see that these words or actions are rooted in hatred, often because they are protected by privilege or have internalized the treatment to the degree that it’s no longer remarkable.

I’ll give you an example that should wave red flags and ring warning bells when it comes to dating. I was in a relationship once with a man who had something negative to say about every single female protagonist in every movie and television show and book. There was a theme: women wanted to attract as many men as possible to toy with them. Women were all about attention and promiscuity…

