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Your Soul Is Born Each Morning

Wait for it….

Rev Dr Sparky
Published in
7 min readNov 22, 2019


Ah, but you might have missed it.

That soul moment — it’s so quick when you’re a grown-up! A singular lovely flash you could have enjoyed for a minute before you wretchedly, raggedly, purely out of duty or habit, latched back onto reality and time and your body and the day and, more recently, your worries and your job and your freaking phone.

But the flicker that sank beneath all that was your soul, born fully formed each morning the way it was born fully formed and glorious the first time, which may have been the day you first hit the air but may have been eons before that — who knows?

So yes, I’m wading right in amongst all you cynics and behaviorists and materialists and realists to say this: I believe we human beings are born with fully formed human souls that have the capacity to be in communication with the universe, and that we have this capacity from the beginning, right along with the capacity to learn language or how to throw rocks.

But it’s no day at the beach for a baby, that whole being-in-touch with the universe thing. That’s why they cry, for crying out loud.

Surely we are born with the origins of the cosmos still fresh in our mind’s eyes; surely we are born knowing how far we still must go, in our tiny new bodies, with no…



Rev Dr Sparky

Preaching real real/igion for real people and courage in the face of absurdity. Follow me into the wilderness on TikTok at