You’re Not Bad With Money. You Just Don’t Understand These 6 Concepts.

It would’ve changed your financial trajectory

Marcus Chan


6 Concepts That Will Help You Understand Money | Marcus Chan
Image designed by the author.

No one is born with good money skills.

The ones who have this mystical ability just understand the concepts that govern our modern economy a little better than others.

These concepts took me years and a buttload of costly mistakes to learn.

Understand them and they will help you pad your wallet.

Attack and protect

“If you’re not aggressive, you won’t make money. If you’re not defensive, you won’t keep money.” — Ray Dalio

You can’t make money by being frugal and putting them into your savings account.

Conversely, the most aggressive methods, like buying into a new, dodgy dog crypto coin, are how people make 1,000%+ returns overnight.

Of course, there are other ways to generate income, but your aggressiveness (coupled with proper risk management) is how you grow your net worth.

Once you get rich, play it safe and defend it. If not, you’ll soon run out of luck and probably have to start from zero again.



Marcus Chan

Writer by title, storyteller at heart. Writing about life, money, and work. Newsletter: Ebook: