PUBLISH partners with NDsoft to tokenize 2,700 newspapers in Korea

PUBLISH Newsroom
Published in
2 min readSep 9, 2020

PUBLISH is pleased to announce a strategic partnership with NDsoft, a leading CMS provider in Korea, to accelerate blockchain adoption in the media industry.

Under the agreement, PUBLISH will begin offering an application programming interface (API), enabling upwards of 2,700 NDsoft clients to publish content on the blockchain and reward their users in cryptocurrency in the interest of restoring trust in the media and increasing platform engagement.

While these services are currently only available to PUBLISHsoft clients, the API will make them available to users of other platforms, opening the door to widescale blockchain technology adoption in the news media industry.

In addition, NDsoft is expected to tap into PUBLISHadnet, a contextual advertising network that scans the content of a page for keywords and displays targeted advertisements based on those keywords.

The agreement will also see NDsoft join PUBLISHalliance, a 60-member strong global consortium headed by PUBLISH that was created to better understand and develop the use of blockchain technology in the media industry for combating the problems of misinformation decreasing reader engagement.

Commenting on the partnership, PUBLISH CEO Sonny Kwon said:

This partnership marks a significant step forward for the media industry, since thousands of internet newspapers will now have a number of cutting edge tools at their disposal to help them maintain relevance in an increasingly competitive landscape.

About NDsoft

NDsoft ( is a leading content management system provider in Korea, with over 2,700 CMS clients, including a number of major daily newspapers and digital-native news sites.

