Getting Started with Sensu in 5 minutes, really 5 minutes

Tony Zoght
Solace PubSub+
Published in
1 min readOct 16, 2018

I recently wanted to do an evaluation of Sensu as a potential component of a bigger solution. So I went searching for a quick getting started that allows me to get a test bed up and running quickly with little to no resistance.

Five minutes to get started”, how hard could that be, sold! I am in. Thirty minutes after I found myself cloning Sensu’s github repo, the existing stack did not give me a Sensu client. How usseful a monitoring system without a client to monitor ?

So, like any good student of infrastructure-as-code, I created a Docker compose stack to have anyone with Docker installed up and running in 5 minutes (depending on your internet pipes :-))

To get started copy and paste the following commands to your terminal:

This will bring up a minimal stack of the following components:

  • sensu-server
  • redis
  • rabbitmq
  • uchiwa dashboard
  • sensu-client

The related girhub repo can be found at



Tony Zoght
Solace PubSub+

Tech Leader, Architect, Builder and aspiring Data Scientist