Puffer and Aethos: Redefining Security for Liquid Restaking

Puffer Finance
2 min readApr 4, 2024


We are thrilled to announce our partnership with the Aethos Network, a groundbreaking decentralized policy engine.

This collaboration marks a pivotal advancement in the enforcement of pre-transaction rules and logic systems at the smart contract level, ensuring a more secure, efficient, and decentralized blockchain environment.

What is Aethos?

The Aethos Network, an Actively Validated Service (AVS) that leverages Ethereum’s unparalleled security framework through EigenLayer, enables developers to define and implement customized pre-transaction policies directly within smart contracts. And crucially, while allowing the policies to be fully modifiable and owned by specific individuals, groups, or DAOs.

We believe this capability is set to revolutionize the approach to smart contract security and functionality, representing a major leap forward in the ability to enforce smart contract logic efficiently while paving the way for more robust and secure DApps.

Puffer’s Commitment to Decentralization

As a pioneer in Native Liquid Restaking, Puffer has always been dedicated to enhancing the crypto-economic security of AVSs built on EigenLayer.

In alignment with our commitment, Puffer will delegate natively restaked ETH to support the economic security mechanisms of Aethos. We see an opportunity for a significant contribution and an infinite sum game, underscoring our belief in Aethos’s potential and industry need.

Central to our collaboration with Aethos is a shared commitment to pioneering joint research initiatives focused on security. This partnership embarks on a mission to delve into innovative security solutions, marrying Puffer’s leadership in Native Liquid Restaking with Aethos’s advanced policy engine technology. Together, we aim to develop robust mechanisms that not only enhance the integrity and safety of Puffer, but also advance better security models in the face of emerging threats while ensuring decentralization for the broader industry.

A More Secure and Decentralized Crypto Industry Awaits

The partnership between Puffer and Aethos marks a significant milestone in our journey towards a more secure and decentralized ecosystems for the decades to come.

Stay tuned to our Twitter, Discord, and Telegram for more updates on this exciting partnership!

About Aethos

The Aethos Network is a generalizable policy engine built for smart contracts. Leveraging the agility of offchain computation and cryptoeconomic security through EigenLayer, the network powers pre-transaction policies, set at the smart contract level, in which transactions are only executed if they adhere to rules set for the corresponding smart contract. Crucially, policies are modifiable and fully owned by the client whether they are specific individuals, a group, or a community.

About Puffer

Puffer is the first native Liquid Restaking Protocol (nLRP) built on EigenLayer. It introduces native Liquid Restaking Tokens (nLRTs) that accrue PoS and restaking rewards. Nodes within the protocol leverage Puffer’s anti-slashing technology to enjoy reduced risk and increased capital efficiency, while supercharging their rewards through native restaking exposure. http://puffer.fi/



Puffer Finance

(Re)staking for little fish. 🐡 Earn while decentralizing Ethereum.