Healthy Late-Night Snacks Could Be Your Secret to Better Sleep

Here are some snack ideas for catching better Z’s

Just when you’re minutes away from a deep slumber, your stomach lets out a low growl. When the hunger pangs persist, you’re often left with two options: eat a couple of cold slices of pizza over the sink or brave the hunger until breakfast time. But neither are particularly appealing options.

Healthy Late-Night Snacks Could Be Your Secret to Better Sleep
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One might silence your rumbling stomach but at the cost of possible indigestion. The other is likely to keep you up for the rest of the night while you eagerly await a full spread of scrambled eggs, bacon, and buttered toast in the morning. The good news is there is another option — reach for a healthy late-night snack.

Healthy late-night snacks can satisfy your hunger and help you sleep better, but picking the right snack can be a challenge, particularly when it’s 2 a.m. and your head is clouded with thoughts of greasy cheeseburgers and monster burritos.

How to Pick the Right Healthy Late-Night Snack

Late-night snacking gets a bad rep. Heartburn, indigestion, weight gain, and slowed metabolism might all come to mind when you think of late-night snacking. But that’s not always the case.

The main reason studies have linked late-night snacking with weight gain is because most people tend to reach for unhealthy food, especially when they’re sleep-deprived. The link between sleep and food is so strong that poor food choices can lead to a sleepless night, and a sleepless night can increase cravings for junk food.

When you pick foods that are high in minerals, vitamins, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates, you’re less likely to pack on pounds and more likely to fall and stay asleep. To ensure your snacking doesn’t interfere with your sleep, here are some general guidelines to keep in mind.

  • Keep your portion sizes small. A healthy late-night snack should be just that — a snack, not a meal. The middle of the night is the wrong time to eat a 12-inch meatball sub, so resist the urge to indulge in anything that might make you feel stuffed.
  • Avoid junk food. There’s no denying that junk food is easy to reach for. When you’re starving, all it takes to stave off the hunger is one sugary Pop-Tart. While foods that are high in sugars and trans fats might offer a temporary solution, they can also cause discomfort, which may keep you up at night. Instead, choose healthy night snacks that are whole, unprocessed foods that your body can digest faster.
  • Prepare beforehand. Meal-prepping your nighttime snacks is one way to ensure you’re making wiser food choices. The best part is meal-prepping can be as easy as stocking up on healthy essentials, such as almond butter, yogurt, fruits, and oatmeal.
  • Choose sleep-friendly foods. Some protein-rich foods contain tryptophan, an essential amino acid linked with improving the quality of sleep. When choosing a late-night snack, try to pick foods rich in vitamins and minerals to aid sleep.

Best Healthy Late-Night Snack Ideas

Just because your late-night snack ideas are healthy doesn’t mean they need to skimp on flavor. Here are some of our top picks for healthy late-night snacks that will soothe your growling stomach and help you sleep better.

  • Turkey sandwich: No one can deny the power of a simple sandwich. To make a healthy sandwich, start with whole wheat bread and a few slices of turkey, which contains tryptophan. Layer on your favorite vegetables, such as lettuce, tomato, and cucumbers, then drizzle a bit of mayo or mustard. If you’re not too hungry, have half a sandwich and save the rest for later so that your body has enough time to digest the carbs.
  • Peanut butter and jelly sandwich: This childhood favorite can do more than just satisfy a sweet tooth. Much like turkey, peanut butter also contains tryptophan to help you sleep. The brain accesses tryptophan faster when paired with carbohydrates, making this healthy late-night snack a great bedtime treat. Just be sure to pick a brand of jelly that’s not too high in sugar.
  • Banana “nice” cream: Bananas are rich in tryptophan and potassium, a muscle relaxant. If you can’t shake your midnight ice cream craving, make a healthier version with frozen bananas. To make the “nice” cream, simply put a frozen banana, a splash of milk, and vanilla extract into a smoothie maker and blend it up until the consistency resembles soft serve. Swirl in some peanut butter or dark chocolate chips for added flavor.
  • Cheese, crackers, and strawberries: Grapes and figs are also great additions to a homemade cheese plate, but strawberries contain melatonin, which can help you fall asleep faster. Cheese is a great pairing because it’s loaded with calcium, protein, and tryptophan, all of which are linked to better sleep.
  • Oatmeal: This breakfast favorite is a natural source of melatonin, and it can keep you full for longer. To amp up the flavor, try adding cinnamon, nut butter, and banana to your bowl of oatmeal.

Proper nutrition is an essential component of getting a good night’s rest, so when the hunger pangs strike at midnight, don’t ignore them. Instead, indulge in these healthy late-night snacks and enjoy an uninterrupted night’s sleep.

Disclaimer: This article is intended for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical recommendations, diagnosis, or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment because of something you have read in our publication.

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Puffy is a California-based company founded on the idea of creating cloud mattresses and bedroom products that feel like sleeping on a cloud. Puffy has been featured on The Talk, and was recently awarded Best Mattress of 2021. For more information visit



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