Explore the new dashboard for Puget Sound Acquisition and Restoration projects

Puget Sound Partnership
Puget Sound Partnership
2 min readMay 26, 2021

By Carrie Byron, PSAR program manager

This year, the Washington State Legislature voted to fund the Puget Sound Acquisition and Restoration (PSAR) program at the second-highest ever level, designating $52.8M of the capital budget to support crucial salmon habitat protection and restoration projects in Puget Sound. This funding will support:

  • dozens of locally prioritized projects across every watershed in Puget Sound and
  • the top three projects on the PSAR Large Capital projects list: the Fall City Floodplain Restoration on the Snoqualmie River, the Florence Island Tidal Wetland Acquisition in the Stillaguamish estuary, and the Sumner White River Restoration project.
Aerial photo of the Fall City Floodplain Restoration Project, showing the Snoqualmie River and farmland. Photo credit: King County Water and Land Use Division.
Fall City Floodplain Restoration Project. Photo credit: King County Water and Land Use Division.

You can find more information about the PSAR Large Capital projects list and those top three projects in our earlier blog post, Projects on the newly released PSAR ranked list will help people, salmon, and the economy.

The new PSAR Dashboard

A screenshot of the new PSAR Dashboard, showing the main screen of the dashboard, a map of the PSAR projects in the Puget Sound Region, and a table for sorting data about the projects.
A screenshot of the new PSAR Dashboard

To provide more detailed information about the projects funded through the PSAR program at the regional scale, we’re launching a new PSAR Dashboard on our Puget Sound Info website. This tool will provide detailed information on every project funded with PSAR dollars since the inception of the program in 2007. The dashboard is updated nightly with the latest information from the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office’s PRISM, a database that tracks grant projects.

The dashboard allows viewers to sort projects by geographic features, financial information, and restoration measures, and to zoom in on areas of interest. Users can also generate lists of projects that meet certain criteria and export those lists for their own use.

Finally, all projects listed in the dashboard contain a link to the PRISM database, which contains a wealth of detailed information about each specific project. All the projects funded in the recently passed capital budget will be added to our PSAR Dashboard as soon as they are under contract in PRISM.

This dashboard replaces the previous table on our PSAR website, and we’re excited to share this updated functionality with all who are interested in Puget Sound recovery and the PSAR program.

Please take a look at the new PSAR Dashboard. Feel free to reach out with any feedback or suggestions for features or functionality to Carrie Byron, PSAR program manager, at carrie.byron@psp.wa.gov.

