A Sweet Heart

“Pull Quotes” of a 4 Year Old: Weeks 11-12

Ernio Hernandez
"Pull Quotes" of a 4 Year Old


As we snuggled up with Planet Earth II on the couch yesterday, my daughter squeezed my arm and told me she loved me. I’d understand if you thought she was playing to my favor, I would too any another night. But earlier, I watched her lead a younger girl around the play space. And then also give up the swingy ropes to a little boy waiting patiently for a turn.

She hugs friends goodbye. She likes to make drawings for people. And she tells me to take a picture of things and send it to family members who might enjoy it. I’m not readying her application for sainthood just yet. But there are plenty of those little moments where she exhibits kindness, charity and care for others.

Last week, I wrote about my worries when it comes to her in a story called Cold Feet. Who knows what she will end up being? (her teenage years still pending) For now at least, I’m not too worried about her being a good person.

If you are new to “Pull Quotes,” please take a look back…

