An Active Imagination

“Pull Quotes” of a 4 Year Old: Weeks 5-6

Ernio Hernandez
"Pull Quotes" of a 4 Year Old


Editor’s note: This is a little late because, when transferring two weeks’ worth of quotes from my phone to my laptop, I accidentally hit a wrong button and LOST ALL OF THE QUOTES! 😳 Needless to say, Daddy was a little upset. 😭 (I know, I still have the memories. But well, I write these down because MY memory is notsogood, so…) Thankfully, after exhausting every tech (and moral) support I could find, I bit the bullet and did a restore from an iCloud backup and… 🙏 by the power of Steve Jobs & co... the note and all the quotes were back! ::big sigh:: 

Whether it is making up names for her stuffed animals, drawing, improvising song lyrics or simply recounting her dreams, my daughter comes up with wildly amazing and imaginative things. Dragons, ponies, unicorns, puppies, mermaids and plenty other underwater or mythical creatures report for duty in her mind. (Far more fantastical than any fiction her daddy has written.)

It boggles my mind to remember when she first started making sounds, then making words and now she’s making worlds. I am really happy she lets me be a part of them sometimes, even if it means carrying her on my back while I go crawling across the floor like a polar bear.

In case you missed it, catch up with the first two episodes of “Pull Quotes,”

