“Pull Quotes” of a 2 Year Old: Week 3

…Pants by Sassy

Ernio Hernandez
"Pull Quotes" of a 4 Year Old
2 min readJan 22, 2016


If you’re just joining us… I’m quoting my daughter for posterity (see: ICYMI just below). If you enjoy these, hit the ♡ and follow buttons at the end.

In case you missed it:

Week 1 «—☺ & ☺ —» Week 2

Friday Jan 15

“I farted.”

Saturday Jan 16

“One second…”

Sunday Jan 17

“Yay! Tunneled!” (in Lincoln Tunnel)

Monday Jan 18

Daughter: Applebus!
Me: Oh yeah, I see the ambulance.
Daughter: Again!

Tuesday Jan 19

“Wooowww” (whale sounds)

Wednesday Jan 20

Daughter: MY phone.
Me: You want your phone? You going to talk to daddy?
Daughter: No. Mommy. Hi, mommy!

Thursday Jan 21

“MOON! Yep… I see you!”


This week Ms. Thing showcased her sassiness as well as impressions and an enthusiasm for the world around her. Next week: come back for all the birthday excitement!

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[Editor’s post-script: Read the next in this series below]

