Light Side or Dark Side

Chris Burgess
Pulp Fiction Stories
6 min readJul 31, 2024


Photo by Some Tale on Unsplash

The lightening flashed in a giant fork that lit the entire city up and was followed by a massive booming thunder sound that shook the buildings.

The rain had been slowly marching towards the city. I watched the wall of water inch it’s way towards me with the lightening orchestra following the newly soaked ground like a relentless stalker forcing it’s prey towards the city where it hoped to find shelter and safety.

The storm had mirrored my experience in that moment. The rain clouds moving towards me were like the conclusions that I had drawn which had caused me slowly realize just what I was in the middle of. All this time I had watching life go by me but was facing the sun in the west as it set.

As I began thinking of the long trek I’d been through over the past three years I started having these realizations that there was this entire storm brewing that I had somehow turned my back towards, inadvertently choosing to be captivated by the beauty of the sunset.

By the time I had noticed that wall of rain it was nearly on top of me already. The thoughts were an uncontrolled flood of ideas on a tapestry. I was standing so close to the tapestry that it had only looked like a mish mash of color without any structure to give it meaning.

It was a tapestry that I had never yet bothered to step back and look at to see what the picture actually was until this very day. I slowly stepped backwards, keeping my eye on the tapestry as more and more came into view with each step. Soon, the chaos of color began to take form and I started to see it’s meaning.

The tapestry was a dark storm and it showed multiple violent strikes of lightening that illuminated what otherwise was the darkest cloud I had ever seen. With each of the flashes of the light an image could be seen within that cloud.

The image was barely visible because the cloud itself had a curious effect on the tapestry as it seemed to suck in all light in the same manner as a black hole which prevents light from escaping.

The image was unclear. It appeared to be an image of an executioner who could have been either an arch-angel or a demon. It could have been either, as its image was too hidden for there to be any certainty but the figure certainly stood behind a man and was ready to kill him.

The man was on his knees with the figure behind him holding it’s weapon drawn high ready to strike. The man looked broken and beaten, as if he had been through the harshest of hell’s while retreating away, trying to elude his death stalker.

The man clearly was unable to defend himself and the storm cloud was captured as if a Polaroid snap shot had been taken which ultimately froze history for all to see that very moment which was had before the man’s fate had greeted him with open arms and mouth of fangs.

I was that man and death was indeed coming for me.

I had been threatened numerous times for my life. The inevitable is without a doubt coming to collect me. The inevitable is coming to erase this burden from existence. The price of my life was 1.5 million dollars. That was what I was worth. That is what was given to remove me from existence so that one entitled woman could remove me once and for all.

She had been working hard to get close to me. It made sense that she would be the one given the money to kill me. She had chosen to become Darth Vader for a price and all that good she tried to be was now erasing itself with each step towards the inevitable death of me.

I would imagine her family will be upset when the truth comes out from the investigation into my death that she was the most likely of suspects being the only one to have openly claimed to have been given money and a second job to kill me. Things are not going to go well for either of us-i’ll be dead and she’ll lose everything. What ever happened to win/win scenarios?

I never found one here. This place that is soaked from rain. As the rain came close I could see that the rain was blood. The Reign of blood I thought to myself as it came down heavy and saturated the city with it’s darkened crimson paste. I stood there on my knees looking up to the heavens and seen nothing but evil. The blood rain soaked my face and stung in my eyes making it hard to see but there wasn’t so much of a sliver of light in heaven.

God is dead I thought.

I could hear my executioner winding up with her sword. The Katana was not quite a light saber but surely, it would do. My murder would send the message to the people and it would remove this wretched rogue from continuing to be the irritation that it has been for three straight years.

‘No one will miss you’ she said to me.

‘I know.’ I responded in a defeated, downtrodden voice. ‘Nobody likes me, everybody hates me.’

‘I can probably find you a bucket of worms if you want your last meal.’ she said back to me.

‘I’ll pass.’ I said still sombre ‘You know, you’re going to lose.’

‘Lose what? You’re the one who’s about to die.’ she snarled back.

‘Lose your humanity. You’re going to lose yourself and you’ll never come back from it. Life will be fundamentally different and you’ll now be the monster that you despise so much in others. You are better than that. I’ve seen it in you. It’s your choice ultimately, but the price for my life is your humanity and I’m not sure you’re really aware of what that cost is going to do to you.’

‘Shut up.’ she barked

‘I know that you are conflicted. I know that you’ve got these demons that pull you into the darkness, but your core is pure and I’ve seen it. You have an inherent good nature in you and if you choose to take this step into the dark side you will forever be consumed by the fading of your light. There is no coming back.’

‘Shut the fuck up’ she snapped.

‘I’m too tired to fight anymore. I’m too tired to run. This is it — I’m ready when you are.’ I said in a defeated tone.

‘I’d ask if you had any last words but, you’d probably go on and on and on.’ she said sarcastically.

‘Just one more thing.’ I said

‘What, tell your family you love them?’ She snapped

‘No, they know that. I don’t want you to go near them to tell them anything. What I wanted to say is…’ I trailed off.

‘It’s what? Spit it out.’ she said.

‘I just wanted to say…. Manamana.’ I said

‘Manamana?’ she asked quizzically ‘

Oh, I get it like that YouTube video from that movie 7 Psychopaths where that guy is about to get killed, she thought to herself. She paused a brief moment and rolled her eyes, then she said ‘Do do dododo’

‘Manamana’ I said

‘Do do dododo’ she laughs as she sings it

‘Manamana’ I start laughing

‘Do do dododo’ she’s now full out laughing

‘Manamana’ I belt out in a roarous laughter…

I try again…‘Manamana’ and a look of seriousness crept onto my face as my laugh faded into a forced chuckle and then stopped.

There was no response. She was silent. Her blade unsheathed and raised but she had a conflicted look on her face as to what it was she was going to do next.

The power was all in her hands. She had full control. My life was in the balance and it was going to come down to this one choice of hers.

What do I stand for? she says to herself…

Light Side or Dark side.



Chris Burgess
Pulp Fiction Stories

I write opinion columns around mental health and personality. I am not a professional but I do read extensively about the topics I discuss.