“Aries and Musca Borealis”, plate 16 in Urania’s Mirror, a set of celestial cards accompanied by A familiar treatise on astronomy … by Jehoshaphat Aspin. London. Astronomical chart, 1 print on layered paper board : etching, hand-colored.

April Horoscopes 2017

Rebecca Vigil
PULP Newsmag
6 min readApr 3, 2017


April 2017 Horoscopes

Capricorn 12/22 -1/19

You are the tenth sign of the zodiac, an earth sign governed by Saturn, planet of curtailment and limitation. You are a cardinal (leader/initiator) and feminine (receptive) member of the zodiac, exemplified by the Sea-Goat. Your ruling planet, Saturn goes retrograde in Sagittarius on April 6th. Prepare to do some deep introspective work to see if what you’re doing now, is your true path. Clarity surrounded this will surface around August 24th when Saturn goes direct.

*Ruling planet, Saturn is in Sagittarius until the end of 2017

Aquarius 1/20–2/18

You are the eleventh sign of the zodiac, an air sign governed by Saturn, planet of restriction and limitation, and Uranus, God of the heavens and the sky. You are a fixed (stable/persistent) and masculine (outgoing) member of the zodiac, exemplified by the Water Bearer. Your ruling sign, Saturn goes retrograde on April 6th. Take this time to figure out what you really want with your life. By no means let this add any pressure to your life, the answers will come when you least expect them. If opportunity doesn’t come knocking, kick the door down.

*Saturn is in Sagittarius until the end of 2017

Pisces 2/19–3/20

You are the twelfth sign of the zodiac, a water sign governed by Neptune, God of the Sea and Jupiter, King of the Gods; you represent the final sign in the zodiacal cycle. You are a mutable (flexible/adaptable) and feminine (receptive) member of the zodiac, exemplified by the Fishes. Now is the time to put your nose to the grindstone. Your ruling planet, Neptune is now incredibly direct in your sign. If it felt like the past year and a half you’ve been in a dreamy limbo, that’s because you were. Now your sign is awake and ready to apply the lessons learned; rewards will surely follow.

Aries 3/21–4/19

Happy Birthday, Aries! You are the first astrological sign of the zodiac, a fire sign governed by Mars, God and planet of war; you embody new beginnings, and adventures. Naturally you are considered the warrior of the zodiac, cardinal (leader/initiator) a masculine (outgoing) member of the zodiac exemplified by the Ram. Venus retrogrades every 18 months, so don’t be surprised if you’ve lost that lovin’ feelin’. Venus retrograde ends on April 15 in Pisces and goes direct in your sign on April 28th. Relationship with self and others should be crystal clear by this time.

*Ruling planet Mars in your sign until April 10, 2017

Taurus 4/20–5/20

You are the second astrological sign of the zodiac — an earth sign, governed by Venus, planet and Goddess of beauty and love. You are a fixed (stable/persistent) and feminine (receptive) member of the zodiac, exemplified by the Bull. Mars in Taurus means, “slow and steady” will win the race. Venus retrogrades every 18 months, so don’t be surprised if you’ve lost that lovin’ feelin’, 40 days and 40 nights is how long this retrograde period lasts, it is especially important because you can see this theme throughout many beliefs across the planet. This is a period of purification and repentance. Venus enters the retrograde period as the evening star, and will emerge as the morning star at the end of the month.

Gemini 5/21–6/21

You are the third astrological sign in the Zodiac, an air sign governed by Mercury, messenger of the Gods. You are a mutable (flexible/adaptable) and masculine (outgoing) member of the zodiac, exemplified in mythology by Pollux and The Twins Castor. When Mercury is in dauntless and assertive Aries, we are less obsessed with objective viewpoints and thought processes; and much more preoccupied with getting to the point. Mercury goes into a retrograde in Aries on April 20th, so it’s best to hold your tongue, if you don’t prepare for the consequences to emerge once he goes direct.

Cancer 6/22–7/22

You are the fourth astrological sign in the zodiac — a water sign, governed by the Moon, luminary of feminine energy, instincts, habits, and reactions. You are a cardinal (leader/initiator) and feminine (receptive) member of the zodiac, exemplified by the Crab. A Full Moon in Libra, goddess of beauty and love means you will feel the Venus retrograde a lot more than other signs. If you’re feeling more withdrawn from your social circles, know that this is okay. This is a period of purification and repentance. If you can see unhealthy cycles in your life, now is the most powerful time to recognize and change it.

Leo 7/23–8/22

You are the fifth astrological sign in the zodiac, a fire sign, governed by the Sun, Star of self, you are considered the leader of the zodiac. You are a fixed (stable/persistent) and masculine (outgoing) member of the zodiac, exemplified by the Lion. You may feel out of place and at a loss; this is due to Venus retrograding in your sister sign of Aries. 40 days and 40 nights is how long this Venus retrograde lasts. Venus starts the retrograde as the evening star and enters loveable Pisces on April 15th, emerging as the morning star. Your ruling star, our Sun, enters Taurus on April 19th, a perfect time to spring into action and step into your true self.

Virgo 8/23–9/22

You are the sixth sign of the zodiac, an earth sign governed by Mercury, messenger of the Gods; you are considered a purist and apt to being critical. You are a mutable (flexible/adaptable) and feminine (receptive) member of the zodiac exemplified by the Virgin. Mercury goes retrograde on April 20th, so prepare for this ahead of time by getting any major miscommunications cleared up by this period. Reflect and see how you could have done things different to have various outcomes.

Libra 9/23–10/22

You are the seventh sign of the zodiac, an air sign governed by Venus, planet and Goddess of beauty and love, you also have adept social skills. You are a cardinal (leader/initiator) and masculine (outgoing) member of the zodiac, exemplified by the Scales. A rare one-year transit where Jupiter is in your sign (this happens once every twelve years) will be the catalyst to bringing you out of your proverbial shell in 2017. The rare Venus retrograde in Aries ends on April 15th. The 40 days and 40 nights that preceded this may have been difficult. Remember, this a period of purification and repentance. Venus left the evening sky and will emerge as the morning star, a beautiful dance performed by the goddess herself.

*Jupiter retrogrades in Libra [ends June 9th, 2017

Scorpio 10/23–11/21

You are the eighth sign of the zodiac, a water sign governed by Pluto, God of the Underworld and Mars, God and planet of war. You are fierce and enjoy intelligent discourse. You are a fixed (stable/persistent) and feminine (receptive) member of the zodiac, exemplified by the Scorpion. Mars enters the mutable, masculine, and mouthy sign of Gemini on April 21st. You will adopt these attitudes with fervor. Pluto, your other ruling retrogrades in Capricorn on April 20th. This alignment bring many opportunities but you will have to face numerous obstacles to get there.

Sagittarius 11/22–12/21

You are the ninth sign of the zodiac, a fire sign governed by Jupiter, King of the Gods and planet of plenty. You are a mutable (flexible/adaptable) and masculine (outgoing) member of the zodiac, exemplified by the Archer. Jupiter is in Libra until October and with this alignment, you will see the most success in your life if you prescribe to the following attributes: fairness, peace, compromise, harmony, diplomacy. When you see others as equals and can truly slip into the shoes of another. Prepare to have any quarrels with others clear up when Venus enters Pisces on April 15th.

Key April Dates for All Signs: 2 (Venus retrograding in Aries), 6 (Saturn retrogrades in Sagittarius), 11 (Full Moon in Libra), 15 (Venus retrograde ends [Pisces]), 19 (Sun enters Taurus), 20 (Pluto retrogrades in Capricorn, Mercury retrograde enters Aries, 21 (Mars enters Gemini), 26 (New Moon in Taurus), 28 (Venus goes direct in Aries), 30 (Saturn squares Chiron).

