June 2016 Horoscopes: Geminis be ready for a month of mystery

Rebecca Vigil
PULP Newsmag
Published in
5 min readJun 4, 2016

Capricorn 12/22 -1/19

Your ruling planet, Saturn will be at opposition, a syzygy, on June 3rd. What this means is that it’s the best time to view your guy in the sky. Follow your instincts this month and don’t bother with trying to explain your reason with anyone else, they won’t get it. As Gayle D. Erwin says, “Love is written in our instincts, yet erased by our actions.” The New Moon in Gemini on June 4th will open up the lines of communication. Sew your seeds and watch the magic happen around June 12th and again when the Full Moon arrives on June 20th.

Aquarius 1/20–2/18

Andrew Solomon remarks, “A Buddhist scholar once explained to me… Nirvana occurs when you not only look forward to rapture, but also gaze back into the times of anguish and find in them the seeds of your joy. You may not have felt that happiness at the time, but in retrospect it is incontrovertible.” A questionable and confusing fog will dissipate as the Sun penetrates it. The Summer Solstice coincides with the Full Moon on June 20th. Dial your frequency to the right channel and be prepped to hear the messages you’ve been waiting for.

Pisces 2/19–3/20

If there weren’t dragons then there would be no heroes. Mutable signs such as yourself have the power of alchemy this year; it’s a time of limerence and transformaction (yes, transformaction). Identify whether things in your life annoy or emit joy. Once you declutter the unnecessary, become selfish with your desires. Employ Sarah Knight’s NotSorry Method to enrich your life; it has two steps: “1. Decide what you don’t give a f*ck about. 2. Not give a f*ck about those things.” Watch as the life changing magic unfolds before your eyes — especially the week of June 19th.

Aries 3/21–4/19

Action is ruling your sign this month, Aries. If you are not seeing any rewards then it’s likely that you are not wagering on any prospects. The New Moon is in Gemini on June 4th, so on this dark and mysteriously mischievous night, do something that will recourse your epoch. Be like, “What did I do? Oh yeah, I did, and I loved it!” You frequently come off as quite charming and are a natural-born leader. Although, if you let your ego get the best of you, then the terrible two-year-old inside may want to come out and bombinate — whatever that means.

Taurus 4/20–5/20

If your communication style has been a hack job lately then you can expect your tongue to untwist around June 12th when Mercury enters its niche sign, Gemini. The twins are coming out to play, and are ready for some delectable action. Just make sure to follow through with your plans 100%; like Jake from Adventure Time says, “Bad biscuits make the baker broke, bro.” On June 20th, the Moon will be full and it’s also the Summer Solstice. Get out your party hat, kazoo and yell, “awhooo hooo!”

Gemini 5/21–6/21

Happy Birthday, Gemini; this is your month! So many good things are coming your way. The New Moon in Gemini on June 6th will be aligning with Venus, ooh la la. This is creating a synergistic energy that will be too good to contain; this foreshadows an ineffable month of mystery and magic. In the latter half of June your ruling planet Mercury, transits into Gemini. With communications going so well people will wonder if you had a writer curate your impeccable delivery and unmatched wit. Your proverbial fancy pants are going to be ironed by the fists of vitality and beaten free of any wrinkles you can be sure of it, you wait and see.

Cancer 6/22–7/22

During the beginning of the month you’re going to want to recharge your batteries in order to get your birthday energized and ready to launch for summer. The whole world is wild at heart and weird on top. Expect love to be coming in by the buckets, especially around June 17th when Venus enters Cancer. Shortly thereafter, you have the Full Moon, the Summer Solstice, and the Sun entering Cancer. Channel this amazing zeal and squeeze in an unforgettable season (say that 5 times fast [it’s fun]).

Leo 7/23–8/22

If you’ve been having a hard time lately, then you’ll learn to appreciate the challenges in retrospect. These obstacles have only made you stronger and are helping you to become the person you are meant to be. June will be a highly social month due to the playful energy of Gemini flirting its way into all the signs — expect to be footloose and fancy free. If you find yourself in bat country, then you can thank Neptune going retrograde on June 13th. Expect your Karma to be delivered to you hot and fresh on the Full Moon on June 20th.

Virgo 8/23–9/22

You are truly blessed and this month will compensate you in ways you never dreamed possible. The good energy that soaked you last month is going to saturate June as well. This is due to yours and Gemini’s ruling planet Mercury entering Gemini on June 12th. The communication lines are open and this will allow you to blow away the proverbial cobwebs. The planet of action also goes direct on June 29th, so expect your social life to live the life of Riley. Good on ya’ mate.

Libra 9/23–10/22

Your ruling planet is Venus, dear Libra. And Venus will be entering the sensual and loyal sign of Cancer on June 17th. Expect your luck to be enhanced if you buy a special Pisces friend some tacos. Timing is everything, so don’t let the frog out of your mouth. For God’s sake, get a napkin and excuse yourself to the restroom. Don’t be “that guy.” Expect your good fortune and windfalls to manifest themselves into your life the week of June 19th.

Scorpio 10/23–11/21

So far, the entirety of 2016 has consisted of your ruling planet Mars doing the cosmic salsa that’s been making the tortilla chips of your soul soggy, and nobody likes soggy tortilla chips; except for that one guy. Mars has been going direct, retrograde, direct, retrograde and has been making you feel like you’ll never have a crunchy tortilla chip again! The horror. Well, rest up buttercup because Mars goes direct in your sign on June 29th. He will stay there over 18 weeks so you can put your feet up, let your hair down, and enjoy the denouement.

Sagittarius 11/22–12/21

If you feel like you’ve been stuck in a fireplace lately then you need to get your head out of your ash and head to Kohl’s to buy yourself a Chewbacca mask. Not only will you be one happy chewy, but your zeal will be so contagious it will go viral. A good day to start over is June 4th when the New Moon occurs. This is the darkest night of the month which is perfect for introspection. Your ruling planet Jupiter will trine Pluto on June 26th which is a synergistic energy to play with.

