Rules proposed for social marijuana use in Denver businesses

Voters enacted the city to put a pilot program in place.

PULP Newsmag
1 min readMay 12, 2017


DENVER (AP) — Denver has proposed a set of rules for businesses that get permits to allow social marijuana use.

The Denver Post reports that among the rules presented Thursday, businesses owners would have to require customers to sign waivers as they enter, follow a ventilation plan if they allow vaping devices indoors and seek a temporary suspension of their liquor license if they have one.

The voter-passed law directed the city to put in place a four-year pilot program that allows some businesses to seek annual permits to create areas where customers can consume their own cannabis. That’s as long as a business gets backing from a local neighborhood or business association.

The new law also allows one-time events to seek permits.

The newspaper reports the proposed rules will likely draw objections from backers of the initiative.

Information from: The Denver Post,



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