September 2016 Horoscopes

Rebecca Vigil
PULP Newsmag
Published in
4 min readSep 1, 2016
Virgo as depicted in Urania’s Mirror, a set of constellation cards published in London c.1825.

Capricorn 12/22 -1/19

“Put yourself in the way of beauty” says Cheryl Strayed. This is a September to remember dear Capricorn. This may be a very intense time for you and this is due to the fact that there are two eclipses this month. The first occurs on September 1st and the second one is on September 16th. The energy in the universe will be extremely abundant so channel it accordingly. Create some conscious, intentional wishes and dare to dream big.

Aquarius 1/20–2/18

Communications for you may be a little unclear since Mercury will be retrograde. For your sign, it’s a time to slow down and reflect upon the lessons that will be given this month. Deceptions may be happening so it’s important to stay true to yourself and to protect yourself from negative energies that may be trying to penetrate your aura. Ground yourself, get centered, and be prepared for major cycles ending this September.

Pisces 2/19–3/20

Your intuition will be on point this month, so it’s vital that you center yourself and get grounded because there are two eclipses occurring this month. You can’t focus on other people’s actions, so make sure to focus on your own reactions. Control is only an illusion so it’s important that you try to remain disciplined. Trust in yourself because relationships in all aspects can become convoluted due to Mercury in retrograde.

Aries 3/21–4/19

September winds will be blowing in lots of change. This not a time to take action or to begin any new projects, if you have to, try to delay them until after Mercury goes direct, which is on September 22nd which happens to be the Autumnal Equinox. Some bruises from the past may have not fully healed, so this month it’s important to reflect on the past and to let it flow through you.

Taurus 4/20–5/20

This month you should practice developing healthy boundaries and to trust and validate yourself, stand in your truth. Misunderstandings can be predominant this month so it’s important to not make any major decisions this month until September 22nd. Communications can be awry and so it’s best to just ride out the intense energy waves rippling through the first month of Autumn.

Gemini 5/21–6/21

With your ruling planet Mercury in a retrograde until September 22nd, it’s important to really believe and trust that all is well. Focus on living everyday the best to your ability. You need to compartmentalize what you think your obligations of others are versus what your own responsibilities are to yourself. The beginning of the month can be a little unsteady but expect the waters to clear up the last few weeks.

Cancer 6/22–7/22

You are a sensitive sign, dear Cancer. Since you are very intuitive and pick up on others energies it will be very important to recognize that others emotions and actions are not your own. Surround yourself with positive energy and establish clear boundaries with those that aren’t necessarily on your vibrational level. Take care of business during the beginning of the month and practice having fun during the latter half. There is a great healing happening during the two eclipses this month, on the 1st and 16th.

Leo 7/23–8/22

Control is just an illusion, dear Leo. You need to relax and you will find that you will be prepared to take on the intense energies of the eclipses this month. Any lessons you had during the Spring equinox will be coming to a completion by the end of the month. Be grateful for any lessons you may be taught this month, even the painful ones. Good things will happen to you, and they will happen naturally. Have faith.

Virgo 8/23–9/22

Happy birthday, dear Virgo! This is a very powerful month with some energetic alignments happening. There is an annual Solar eclipse on September 1st and a Penumbral Lunar eclipse on September 16th, which happens to be a Full Moon. Full Moons are the best time of the month to release that which no longer serves you and to cut the dead weight to make room for the new and refreshing events waiting to happen. Expect the unexpected to come rocketing into your life the week of September 18th.

Libra 9/23–10/22

Recovering and healing are going to be vital to your sign during the changing of the seasons. All ballads, harmonies, and rhythms will come together to complete the song of your life. Be patient though, because this won’t all come together until the latter half of the month, this is true for all signs this month. Jupiter will be entering Libra on September 9th and it’s great to have the jovial giant on your side. Trust in the process and have faith in what will be.

Scorpio 10/23–11/21

Your sign is incredibly emotional, intuitive, and sensitive. The energies this month may make you want to take a step back and analyze your life. Trust that this process is okay, and that you will need to do this due to the intense energies happening this month. There are multiple eclipses, Mercury will be retrograde until September 22nd, and Venus enters Scorpio on September 23rd. Expect the unexpected and accept that the universe is moving you to exactly where you need to be.

Sagittarius 11/22–12/21

Your life path is being revealed to you one day at a time. You may have been having strange dreams, visions, and fantasies. Pay attention to what you are feeling and honor those feelings. All of the signs are having an intense month so expect for relationships, jobs, and responsibilities to come to an end. Eclipses signal the closing of an era, and at times this can be painful. Have faith in the universe, because this energy is bringing you to exactly where you need to be, your fate.

