
VASE VIDE is stripped-down, subdued indie

Springs band provides the soundtrack to unplugging from everything

John Bueno
PULP Newsmag


Treat yo’self to an audio tension release with VASE VIDE. (photo via band)

Modern society is an unyielding cacophony of visual and audio stimulation blaring at most of us near constantly via the complicated mini-computers we now jokingly refer to simply as “phones”. This has become too much to bear for modern man (and woman), with a growing segment of the populace longing to go “unplugged”, even if only for a few hours at a time.

What does techno-phobic rant this have to do with music, John? Well IF YOU’LL LET ME EXPLAIN. This weekend, I ‘unplugged”. Well, sort of; first I downloaded the newest offering from Colorado Springs based VASE VIDE on Bandcamp and had my circuits blown. Do me a solid; turn all your apps off (after downloading the album, that is), sit down somewhere quiet or maybe go for a walk out in nature, put your earbuds in, and dig in deep.

The Colors of Entropy is 5 gorgeous cuts of warm sonic bliss; the audio equivalent taking a melatonin tab whilst laying out at the beach on a sunny day. And how does this band take you so far away? How do they create this magic atmosphere? Easily, it seems. By sonically dovetailing between the quiet and intimate moments of bands like Mogwai and Explosions in the Sky and the freak-pop psychedelia of Sparklehorse and the Flaming Lips, while also throwing in soft electronics a la French space-rockers Air and lyrics that sound more like soft confessions than songs. That’s how. With a constant, belligerent newsfeed of regurgitated memes and fake news to contend with, take a break from everything digital with VASE VIDE. You’ll be glad you did.

“The Colors of Entropy” is out now, and available here for just $3! It’s a steal if you’re into the Flaming Lips, Tortoise and the like.



John Bueno
PULP Newsmag

Stand Up Comedian. Writer. Natural Beauty. @johnxbueno