AKA The Hanged One

Dacia Holliday
5 min readApr 21, 2020


Dear Moonbabe,

I am getting to you later than I wanted to this month, and that’s gonna have to be ok. Right now I imagine that you, too, are doing your best to show up for yourself and others. How is that going? Are you accepting that circumstances are vastly different than your usual, therefore you are also allowed to show up vastly differently, too?

Today my kiddo had a fever upon waking, but that wasn’t what he told me about first. He motioned to me through his open door with the curl of his once chubby finger, then told me how he was awake earlier cuz his limbs were hurting, thus began our back and forth about where, when, and why this might be happening. Something wasn’t adding up, and my next instinct was to feel his forehead. It felt warm.

I switched hands and checked under his armpit, and he was still warm. I asked him if he had a headache or his eyes hurt, and he said they hurt like he didn’t get enough sleep. This was enough for me to tell him to stay put, fill his jar with water, then go wake up my girlfriend so we could decide what to do next.

Five hours later we are still writing out details, setting up ways for him to be entertained, trying to anticipate what we might need tomorrow, in a few days, in a few weeks, and it is fucking exhausting. I am also on hold for my food stamps interview, which is always such a jolly good time, and have been waiting so long I decided to chat with you.

I realized a few days ago that 2020 started off with a bang with the Disaster card, and I totally feel like that was some kind of foreshadowing for what we are experiencing right now.

The spread of Covid-19 has touched us all in some way or another. It feels so scary to acknowledge that fact, but my job is to try and make sense of the senseless, to welcome the sacred dark, to trust some deeper heartbeat that reverberates in every soul, and tarot is my medium.

TThe Disaster card, aka the Tower, is all about chaos that destroys all the false shit so something real can bloom and grow instead. Although it is a hard path, often feeling painful and confusing, you will become someone that might not exist otherwise. The energy of the Tower is often connected with the powers of Pluto, and a pact with Pluto will change everything in your life. Now that I’m writing this, thinking about this, Pluto and Covid-19 are very similar.

In both instances, we will never be the same. And that is the whole point.

Aptly, and frustratingly so, Intermission is the card for this month. It will be important for you to surrender to your circumstances, to accept them as they are, and to release attachment to what you had planned. Don’t mistake this as giving up or not advocating for yourself, but rather focus your efforts on acceptance and being open to guidance from within. When you’re always fighting it can be disorienting to pause and consider another way, but that is precisely why Intermission has entered your life.

The Intermission card has an image of a magician upside down, wrapped in chains on stage before a precious crowd of close community. The curtains are about to close, which is when the magician will complete their trick, their illusion, and hopefully emerge triumphant and unbound! This is where you are metaphorically sitting, sweet one. Upside down, feeling exposed before those that love you. Unsure if you can actually make this happen, wondering what the fuck went wrong, and Why am I here?!?

First, you gotta stop trying to escape the chains by struggling against them. All that does is tighten them and bring down your morale. Take a deep breath and calm yourself. This is the moment you’ve been waiting for. This is when the magic happens cuz you’re actually in possession of the key! Just like the magician, you didn’t come to this show, your life, unprepared. Just like the magician, you swallowed a skeleton key, an ancestral key, that will set you free.

YYour only job now is to relax so it can come out, which means you gotta surrender to a course set in motion before you were born into this world. I believe that we choose things in this life while we were spirits, and I imagine that it seemed easier to choose circumstances that would shape from that perspective, rather than living through them. Which is why Intermission is so important. It acts as some kind of fail-safe mechanism to bring you back to your path. It can feel like a frustrating gift if you are impatient, but the trick, my love, is to be humble enough to let it all out.

When you stop fighting the ancestral key trying so hard to make itself known to you, you will know that it is here to bring you back to yourself. You will be granted clarity, deep peace, and a trust that you will not only survive, but thrive.

I don’t know what your path will be, what it entails, or how you will change, but I can guarantee that you are not alone. I am here with you. We are all falling apart and coming together at the same time.

I hope this makes some kinda sense, My thoughts are scrambled, but I am here, as is, doing my best. I trust that you will feel what I am channeling. Thank you for being here with me.

My whale heart song to you,

