Blow Job Assistants! Reluctant (But Proud) Porn Stars! Getting Off Together And Alone With COVID!

Katie Tandy
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4 min readApr 14, 2020

Dear sweet humans—

Another strange day here in Californian paradise. The birds lilt their song on jasmine-laden winds—so sweet it nearly pricks your nose—the sun-dappled branches undulate, blossom and leave-piled like so many green squid arms.

And the warmth of my front porch as I turn my wan and freckled face to the sky! It makes my upper lip shine with salt and sweat, my head lolling, heavy.

But beneath these impossibly bucolic-feeling days lies a sinister feeling. Like a storybook witch whose confection contains a potent poison.

And so I find myself turning inward and inward again to read and write. To think and sew. To stretch and tell stories.

This week — dare I say as always!—we have a host of sexy, brilliant tales (and even some advice) to keep your mind and your loins limber.

Ever and always,
Katie (+July)

Pulp It Like It’s Hot: The Blow Job Assistant, by Benjamin Davis

The Quickshot is portable, pleasurable, discreet, and only looks a little like a robot anus.

50, And A Reluctant Porn Star, by Elane Johnson

My mother would have been so proud. Really.

“If We Can Imagine It, We Can Enact It”: Q&A On New Dystopian Novel, The Sin Eater, by Katie Tandy

With every science fiction book I read — and this sensation continues today — it felt like I’d carved a new facet in my being and I was able to glimpse myself and the world I occupied from a new angle of refracting light.

“Sin Eater by Megan Campisi is one of these prismatic books.

10 Sexy Ways To Get Off During Quarantine, by R.T.Collins

#5. Delve into the beautiful world of erotic art on Instagram

The hashtag #eroticart brings up a wealth of tasteful and titillating art, a great way to discover new creators and rediscover the sublime beauty of the human form — check out @Regards_Coupables and @kliuwong for starters

Watching “Boys Don’t Cry” As A Queer Indian Tween, by Ajay Aravind

It didn’t matter to me that he was brutally violated and shot in the head. I just wanted to be accepted like he was. By friends, by a lover.

Not A Period, Just An Em Dash: How My Menstrual Cycle’s Return Made Me Feel Complete, by Lois Armas

For the first time, I felt I had just lost a connection with my body, a bond of which I was not aware before, an attachment between my menstrual cycle and my whole self.

Sex Is Why White People Come To Senegal, by Eve Bigaj

A world at once more segregated and more sexualized than where I’d come from — white, middle-class Poland and America.



Katie Tandy

writer. editor. maker. EIC Former co-founder + The Establishment. Civil rights! Feminist Sci Fi! Sequins!