Humiliating Sex Stories! A History Of Silencing Women! The Beauty Of Goodbyes!

Katie Tandy
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3 min readJan 6, 2020

Hi hey hello dear humans—

2020! For fuck sake, it’s come hurtling down the cosmos to our little blue planet like a star-streaked freight train, its heat brushing past my face so close I can taste the singe of my eyebrows.

…at least that’s how it feels. Like I’ve been running for 365 days. Like my hamstrings are chronically tight, my Achilles’ heels and lungs burning from flight. From fright.

But if I’m honest, that’s been most of my life.

If you read my most recent PULP article—Are Children Another Kind Of Eternity?—you’ll see that I recently devoured Patti Smith’s M Train. Shards and shining pieces of it keep cropping up in my brain like slender fish surfacing out of the shallows.

In it she writes, “Please stay forever I say to the things I know. Don’t go. Don’t grow.”

I think I spend so much of my time running—panting through my life manically trying to live, live, live—in order to, ironically, maintain where I am. To savor its stinging sweet beauty on my tongue. To counter that feeling—that fear—that time is passing by like the hot wind of a subway car. That sinking sensation that I’ve just reached the platform and all I can see are two dots of departing red.

I’ve missed it. Things have fled. Left me behind.

But they haven’t. Yes they’re growing and changing and yes, maybe they’re leaving, but so am I. And there is togetherness there. There is so much beauty in these perpetual goodbyes, in all this tumult.

We’re all streaking across the sky and shouting our sparks into the darkness and it can feel blinding until you slow and squint and spot a fellow traveler.

Hello you bellow! Goodbye I yawp! And they sound the same and both are beautiful. Here’s to the past. Here’s to the future. And here’s to the body that holds both, which is Now.

Ever worth the squeeze,
Katie (+July)

On Ancient Greek Lamentation And Women In Democracy by Cristina Farella

The official impetus to silence women sees one of its earliest iterations in the outlaw of the lament.


And we’ve got two incredible tales to kick it off …

We Took Biology Class Seriously (this involves a very startling handjob amid an earthquake) by Ajay Aravind, and The Flying NuvaRing by E.E.W. Christman, which, well, tells the tale of a flying NuvaRing!

And yes! We’re on the prowl for more, so juice your own hilarious : humiliating sex stories and send them our way RIGHT THE HELL HERE! (WE PAY $50!) 😻

And of course, ever and always, our weekly playlist by @julywesthale…

Listen up to EVERYTHING IS EMBARRASSING, honoring our spankin’ new series, PULP IT LIKE IT’S HOT …



Katie Tandy

writer. editor. maker. EIC Former co-founder + The Establishment. Civil rights! Feminist Sci Fi! Sequins!