Just What Is PULP About Exactly?

Katie Tandy
Published in
2 min readJul 17, 2019
Brilliant illustrations by the ever wonderful Barbara Moura

PULP is a multimedia sex, sexuality, and reproductive rights publication celebrating this human coil hurtling through time and space. If you have a body, love a body, or are apt to wonder, just what is this body?, you’ll find a story here to get turned up, on, over, or out.

PULP may be what’s left after a beating; given that so many bodies are a place of violence, so too is PULP a place of acknowledged pain. What is left over is often what’s essential. PULP may be sexy — it might make your goddamn loins sing — but it’s not sensationalized. Just because it’s about bodies doesn’t mean it’s lurid, tasteless, kitschy or shameful.

And what is a fruit without pulp? The pulp contains the entirety of a fruit’s juice, its infinite sweetness. (OH HAI LIZZO). PULP is also historic; pulp was the stuff of throw-away books and magazines often riddled with soft porn, queerness, drugs, science fiction, and the proverbially terrifying “alternative lifestyles.” (Think Beebo Brinker, Strangers on a Train, Reefer Madness, The Long Goodbye).

PULP is distributable. It’s the kind of writing you pass around, dog-ear, scribble on and highlight; you read it again and again. In short? PULP is messy, sticky, homemade, inflamed and widely-read.

It is for and of the body. And we honor all its permutations.



Katie Tandy

writer. editor. maker. EIC @medium.com/the-public-magazine. Former co-founder thepulpmag.com + The Establishment. Civil rights! Feminist Sci Fi! Sequins!