May 2020 TAROTSCOPES: Held In Your Ancestors’ Hands

This month is all about journeying to unknown places.

Dacia Holliday
12 min readMay 6, 2020


// photo from author

DDeer Moonbabe,

Mentor of Bottles is the theme for May. It’s all about journeying to unknown places with a whole new navigation system, and for the first time in a long time you are at the helm of a ship made up of ancestral hands. There’s nobody on board except for you. Nobody to question your authority. Nobody you have to explain your process to. Nobody you have to entertain. Just you and your ancestors and the open waters.

There’s a learning curve with Mentor of Bottles.

You’re gonna learn how to find your own way using your intuition instead of relying on instruments other sailors taught you to use. They relied on instruments that translated information outside of themselves, but that is not the best or only way. You’re even gonna create your own relationship to the stars, communing with them to find out their stories so they help you know where you are and how to find your way in the dark.

You are always in motion. You just gotta make sure you’re headed in the right direction, according to you.

Travel well,


ARIES: Four of Bones

Mentor of Bottles + Four of Bones = Giving In To Your Heart

Your month is about letting your heart win the ongoing battle with your head. Four of Bones reflects the story of how your heart has been guarded for more than one season, probably three or four, and how you built walls made of brick and steel to keep it safe. After a heartbreak it totally makes sense to pull back and take a time out while you recover, but make sure to allow yourself to get back in the flow of things when it comes to love. Your heart is not scared to love again, that’s your mind. Your heart and mind are often at odds, one wanting to call the shots instead of the other. Your mind wants you to do the smart thing and remain safely behind the walls you’ve built, and your heart wants to be free! Your heart is ready to break through the barriers, to give and receive, to share everything you’ve learned about yourself, but your mind says, “No! That’s too dangerous.”

Four of Bones is about how you give in to your heart. How you peel away the protective layers, even if it means collecting bumps and bruises along the way, and how even if you were to feel heartbroken again, you will stay open. Your heart is never a liability.

May Affirmation: I am open to following my heart no matter where it may lead me.

TAURUS: Six of Bones

Mentor of Bottles + Six of Bones = Define Success for Yourself

Your ancestors and guides want to help you understand how you keep pushing away the things you want, like time to really rest, to celebrate your personal progress, to indulge in your home making ways, and most importantly, to let your heart roam free. Give yourself permission to daydream and then bring those dreams into the realm of today. It might be easier to be patient with other peoples’ processes and growth, and now you need to give yourself that same gentle touch. The dream seeds you bring over will need to be nurtured without critical comments or harsh “realistic” judgments.

This life isn’t only about working hard, make sure to revel in your triumphs, too. No accomplishment is too small! Resist the urge to minimize your ability to make shit happen. That’s leftover internalized shit from people who could not / did not appreciate you. Heal that wound by applying love and validation where they didn’t. If you want, your guides and ancestors can bring you people who also make long term goals, and you can work on them together. This will help you tap into the unending abundance of the Femmeiverse.

May Affirmation: Dreaming for myself is important work.

GEMINI: Eight of Keys

Mentor of Bottles + Eight of Keys = You Are Ready!

The Femmeiverse is celebrating the new direction you are now headed! It may have taken a few tries to get yourself traveling in the right direction, but you were just fine tuning your navigational instruments. You were probably searching around trying to collect other necessities before your embark, too, but that isn’t necessary. What you have with you will suffice. If you were wondering why nobody warned you about this abrupt departure, that was intentional. Your guides and ancestors knew that if you had time to plan ahead that you would get lost in the preparation and never get out on the road. Sometimes over planning can veer into the territory of stalling cuz you’re not ready for what comes next. I am here to tell you, Gemini babe, that you are ready. Being ready doesn’t mean you have all the answers to all the questions. It means no matter what you will not give up on yourself.

Take a chance on you! We both know you can connect with anyone and charm your way in and out of any situation. The Femmeiverse will bring you what you need along the way, thus negating the need to haul a bunch of shit around. You gotta be free to do what you’re gonna do.

May Affirmation: I trust that I am prepared.

CANCER: Five of Feathers

Mentor of Bottles + Five of Feathers = Even When the Waters Get Rough Choose Yourself

You are not meant to hold old habits or beliefs that you created out of survival. Parts of you that you have been healing are acting up right now, purging itself from your life and spirit. You’ve taken such good care of your wounds they’re ready to transform in a way that takes up less space.

Your card this month is the Five of Feathers, urging you to unconditionally choose this life. You do not have to be perfect, all you gotta do is be willing. Willing to make mistakes, to ask for forgiveness when you do, to fail, to ask for help when you need it, to share what you have when you have it, and to believe that you are worthy of love that can heal throughout time. Basically, when you embrace yourself, flurry and all, the self-love you generate will be so vast that your past self will feel it through forgiveness, your present self through acceptance, and your future self with gratitude that you made these changes so they could exist. This is how to choose life.

May affirmation: I am excited to learn about who I am!

LEO: Love

Mentor of Bottles + Lovers = Love Is Everywhere

This month your card is the Lovers, which is less about having a lovership with others and more about deepening the one you have with yourself. Your guides and ancestors wanna reveal how to choose love as your path in a way you haven’t before. Your generous spirit is used to regenerating itself in relation to other people, but your homework now is to find a new source. The Femmeiverse, or Spirit, is a great option cuz of the limitlessness and awesome potential, but if that feels too far out there for you, start with where you are. What love can you glean from connecting with yourself? Feel your hands, try a new hairstyle or outfit, or indulge in a treat that’s just for you. Write yourself a love letter, write a love letter to a plant, tree, or your favorite time of day. The point here is for you to nurture the love that is always flowing through you and around you. Gradually, this love will become a very clear path that you will follow, no matter what. You won’t even worry where it goes or about the risks cuz you trust that love is always near and in your favor.

May Affirmation: I allow love to shape me and my life.

VIRGO: Accountability

Mentor of Bottles + Accountability = Divine Justice Will Be My Guide

Balance is what your guides and ancestors want you to focus on this month. The Accountability card signifies a great injustice in your life will have resolution through Divine Justice. Divine Justice is orchestrated by the Femmeiverse in a delicate and beautiful way. It is not punitive or based in revenge. It will heal you through a series of events that are not directly connected to the person(s) who caused you harm. I don’t know how this will all transpire for you, but I know it’s real. I’ve experienced it myself.

You may want proof of your healing events, or a witness who inherently understands what you’re going through, but you mustn’t come to a halt if you don’t. Healing is not linear. Sometimes it won’t make sense, and sometimes it hurts really bad. This one may have been a long time coming too, and that has nothing to do with you. The Femmeiverse was setting things up for you. This healing is your reclamation of power. Now you get to decide what to do with it.

May Affirmation: Life is always flowing in the direction of my healing.

Libra: Temperance

Mentor of Bottles + Temperance = My Everyday Magic Takes Many Shapes

Celebrate your everyday magic! Temperance has appeared as your card this month, bringing signs that you possess the power to collect raw ingredients and make them into something new. It’s like when a baker uses flour, sugar, a binder, and salt in a way that creates an amazing treat. You, too, can take the raw elements of grief, regrets, and faith to create miracles. The main thing you gotta do is trust in your own alchemy by feeling what lingers in your heart and finding a way to bring it into the physical world.

Any kind of creative expression is a great way to bring energy from the spiritual / emotional realm in this physical world, whether it be doodling, writing a letter to yourself, baking, decorating a candle with an intention, playing your favorite songs on loop, or reviving an old practice that fell to the wayside. This should feel less like work and more like an adventure! Focus on how to be a channel and go with the flow.

May Affirmation: My ability to create is a powerful force.

SCORPIO: Ten of Feathers

Mentor of Bottles + Ten of Feathers = An Intentional Destination Changes Everything

Ten of Feathers, my time travel card, tells me you’ve been here before. There is a version of your life where you ignored your intuition and things went in a direction you wanted to change, so you came back to this moment to make a different choice.

The image on the card is of Icarus, falling from the sky cuz they flew too close to the sun with wax wings. I imagine that Icarus had a moment where their intuition was like, “I don’t think this is such a good idea,” but rather than trust that hunch, they stayed on course. Their overall goal was not the problem, it’s just that their wings & destination were not compatible. You are at such a crossroads, bb. You must do a fearless inventory of where you are wanting to end up, why you wanna end up there, and do you have the best pair of wings. Icarus would’ve made it if they changed their destination, this is also true for you.

May Affirmation: I am open to new paths.


Mentor of Bottles + Reception = Love and Devotion

You have a gift, deer one. A gift that has chosen you out of all creation. Every word, every feeling, every experience in your life has made you the perfect vessel and perfect channel to bring this gift into the world. There is a special something you are carrying within yourself, and your ancestors are preparing you to release it soon. This baby gem has been collecting everything they need to live and thrive in the world, and are waiting for the right time to emerge. Once they do, it will be your responsibility to nurture yourself and this new baby gem.

Wondering whether or not this lil gem should even be in this world can be stressful, but I want you to know that you don’t need to worry cuz your ancestors and the Femmeiverse have already cleared out a spot for this baby gem to live and grow. They’ve got a spot for you, too. All you gotta do is ask.

May Affirmation: My ancestors’ love me and can carry me through anything.

AQUARIUS: Apprentice of Keys

Mentor of Bottles + Apprentice of Keys = Power to Create

Now that you’re fully in charge of your ship, your ancestors are guiding you towards healing your relationship with power. As you reexamine your history, you will begin to understand the ways in which your power was taken, when you gave it away, when you compromised it, and learn how to call it back. One of the first things you need to do is uncover your beliefs about being powerful. Unfortunately, there are many examples of people who harm others with the power they have, and that may have communicated to you that powerful people don’t care about anyone, or that you will do bad things if you are powerful. It is totally ok that you may have unconsciously internalized these beliefs cuz now you can change them.

You get to be powerful without being dangerous. You are your own person and you can change narratives about powerful people. You are gonna have to forgive yourself for misusing your power and giving it away when you were afraid to have it and / or didn’t know how to hold it. There is nothing to be ashamed about, we all come into relationship with our power in different ways.

May Affirmation: My power is based in / on _______, and I trust it.


Mentor of Bottles + The Code = Inch By Inch Life’s a Cinch, Yard By Yard is Way Too Hard

Nobody’s really been able to tell you what to do, and you’re always hardest on yourself (no matter what others may say), so Mentor of Bottles is where you’re gonna take orders from, aka your heart. It might be easier for you to make decisions based on potential outcomes, but you’re being forced by Pluto to do things in a wildly different way. You’re gonna have to do a thorough overhaul and get rid of anything that doesn’t consider your desires and secret dreams.

The Code is a sign to rewrite your agreements for this life! Your contract with your life has been fulfilled. Accept it, even if you wanna protest. You are now more in charge of yourself than ever before, but you gotta make sure you follow those soft tugs from your intuition, your connection with your ancestors, so you stay on course. It’ll be a challenge not to fall into those whirlpools of habit, but I know you can do it! You wanted to make big changes, this is how you do it. Little by little.

May Affirmation: I believe the little changes I am making now will become big changes.

PISCES: Seven of Bottles

Mentor of Bottles + Seven of Bottles = Peace, Not Panic, Gets the Job Done

This month is all about taking it slower than usual. I mean inside your head / thoughts, too. If you try to predict how things will play out in your life from your current vantage point, you won’t get an accurate read. It will seem bleak and you might start doubting yourself, but Seven of Bottles has an answer for that. There is information that resides in your heart, a clarity that will fall into place. Sometimes it is an awareness inspired by something or someone outside of you, that can spark an epiphany. Either way, trust your process. You can’t rush what’s coming your way (don’t worry, it’s not that kind of surprise), but you will begin to feel when the tides changes in your favor. There will be an unmistakable ease that affirms you are not alone, that your prayers are received, and that you are making the right choices.

Until then, water babe, keep the faith, rest when needed, and coast a bit.

May Affirmation: I can trust the ease in my life. If I am not feeling it right now, I trust that it will come to me.

