November Tarotscopes: Heal From The Inside Out

Dacia Holliday
Published in
16 min readNov 4, 2019
// accountability by The Collective Tarot

Dear Tender Heart,

When I was sixteen I was harmed by someone, & I was force to report it to the police. At the time I was hurt & angry & wanted the person to be punished. I wanted people to believe me. I wanted someone to help me understand what happened, & why. I also wanted an apology from the person who hurt me, for them to acknowledge what they did wasn’t ok.

I didn’t get what I wanted, & it took me a long time to understand the complexity of what happened.

Several years later I decide that I was tired of being haunted by the injustice of what happened to me, & I set the intention to heal myself from the inside out.

Three months later, I dove into a whole new realm of information about myself, my spirit, & my healing process. I was able to think about myself outside the binary of victim & survivor, & got to witness how a wound can call for its own healing in unexpected & life changing ways. I’m being vague on purpose. I wanna share pieces that you might recognize so you know that healing & miracles are possible. One significant shift I can be more explicit with, however, was replacing punitive justice with divine justice.

Divine justice is what the Accountability card is all about, indicating that November will bring old wounds closure in ways that are unexpected & (im)perfectly orchestrated by the Femmeiverse. It tells the story of how you tried to pursue justice for yourself, any kind, but ultimately you were left dissatisfied. In order to keep going, you tried to soften your own edges where you could, but, still, something was missing. Something you taught yourself to live without. Justice.

Not anymore. Your wound has been chatting with the Femmeiverse to bring your spirit back into harmony. Welcome to an era of reclamation & restoration.

I can’t tell you exactly how divine justice will unfold in your life, but I can let you know it’s been a long time coming, & that you absolutely deserve it. Expect your healing to come from unexpected & unrelated sources. Trust the truth you’ve telling yourself. Sometimes healing sucks & feel impossible to survive, but don’t let that deter you from this path.



ARIES: Nine of Bones

This month is all about reminding you that you really are connected to something bigger. I know it’s easy to forget cuz it often feels like you’re the one who makes shit happen, but not this this. You don’t have to do this all by yourself. You’re allowed to ask for help when it comes to organizing hangouts or community events, finding & moving into new place to call home, decoding recent happenings in your life that feel significant, but you’re not sure why, or whatever else you’re struggling with. The world is just as generous & heart motivated as you, take your time to let it in.

Imagine that you are a solid tree who bears fruit with special properties. In all the world, you are the only one with these magic fruits, & you actually need it to survive & thrive. For the next month, each time you wanna give this fruit away, offer it to yourself first. Naturally, as you make sure to fill up on your own magic your general output with decline a bit, but don’t worry about it. This will teach others to respect & appreciate the gifts you share. Your fruit, aka your love & care, are so special, that one piece can be stretched & savored more than you think.

If anyone is disgruntled, resist the urge to fix the situation, by compromising your energetic boundary, by giving them more fruit than you feel comfortable, or by prioritizing their desires before satiating your own. This is how you will bring balance & harmony back into your life. As you take care of yourself in this way you will feel revitalized & better able to tackle what’s coming next!

TAURUS: Three of Feathers

Your guides & ancestors want you to start documenting something about your life, & to be consistent about it. Three of Feathers encourages a writing process, & shows up a lot for people who process through writing, but you can choose another way if writing isn’t your thing. You can make voice notes on your phone, short videos, or even just keep a running collection of lists. The main point of these exercises is to peel back the layers of your everyday thoughts so you can connect with your heart. Your heart has some new info for you, but it needs your undivided attention to make its big reveal!

Your heart has been through a lot, & in order to endure, you shut down in certain ways. I know you didn’t intend to close yourself off from others, but it happened anyways. & it’s totally ok. You don’t have to push yourself to open up if you’re not ready. You just gotta be honest about where you are. The Accountability card is here to tell you that you’ve been outta balance for a while cuz you weren’t able to deal with the whole impact of a painful situation, but now you can. This is where the writing & other ways of documenting your experience is helpful.

You are making a map. You get to describe what you know, how you learned what you know, where you’ve been, where you are, how you got here, & where you wanna end up. You’ll be pleasantly surprised what a relief this will be. You’ve been carrying a lot for a long time. Now it’s time to find a place for it all outside of your own body, heart, mind, & spirit so you have more clarity.

GEMINI: The Fool

Don’t be afraid to scrap your plans & start over. You’ve been receiving all kinds of new information, how could you not? & don’t waste time on regret, pretending like you coulda / woulda / shoulda done something differently. Everything happened the way it was supposed to, no matter how chaotic or painful. You learned what you needed to when it was time for you to know. No matter what, I’m so proud of you for accepting the truth of your situation, even if it leaves you with even more questions that when you started.

One of the blessings of the Fool, your card for the month, is being able to start this new layer of your journey with wisdom, less baggage, & stronger faith. The Fool is the first card of the major arcana, which means that you are starting a new cycle with all the lessons of the previous cycle fresh in your mind. A clearer understanding of where your boundaries will make it easier to release yourself from taking responsibility for other people’s actions. This is one the many graces that can be felt here.

You are so precious, so loved by your ancestors & the Femmeiverse, everyone & everything is coming together to support your health & prosperity! There is a part of you untouched, unmarred by this world, that still believes, without a doubt, that you will receive whatever you need when you need it, that sweet surprises await you around every corner, & that you deserve forgiveness. This is your innocence. You can trust it.

CANCER: Ace of Keys

Bring yourself back into balance by boosting your creativity! Ace of Keys is your guides & ancestors way of letting you know it’s time to share what you’ve been carrying in your heart. Whatever old story about why you can’t or shouldn’t is a lie. Don’t believe it. You’ve spent too much time doubting yourself already. & if you were waiting for a sign, this is it!

Digging deep inside of yourself & then translating your guts with someone else is a feat! Taking pride in what you create is a simple way to honor this labor. Don’t even allow yourself to begin wondering where this path will take you, just focus on what’s trying to emerge from your treasure chest heart. If it feels too daunting or intimidating to share your gifts with the world, share them with yourself first! & be kind. I know you can be your harshest critic.

The power that lies within has been building & ruminating for a long time, so don’t be surprised if there are fiery bursts of emotions & memories. The ideas will flow easier the more you practice, & a power will begin to build inside of you. Don’t be afraid to feel powerful as you begin to reclaim parts of your story that you once hid. Unnecessary guilt & shame have been taking up too much of your energy for too long! Let it all go.

LEO: Mentor of Keys

The Femmeiverse wants to show you something, Leo. We all know you can shine with the best, but there’s even more brilliance we’ve yet to witness. Mentor of Keys is telling your story this month, highlighting that quiet realm that was once reserved with caution tape because it felt too dangerous to tread. Especially for you. We all have that place inside that is too hot to touch, too thick to find words for, but eventually, if we visit it enough, we begin to transform our relationship to that place. This is part of the harmonious healing that Accountability is bringing you this month.

This healing has taken time, & the secret has been to go slow. As you sit with your own aches & anxieties, witnessing with love & forgiveness, you have grown brighter. Essentially, the process of transforming this painful landscape with compassion is how you generate your own raw power from within. Doing this over & over will help insure that you will not need to take power from others, that you can burn as big as you want, illuminating whole worlds. This is possible cuz you’re no longer afraid of knowing yourself & being accountable.

As you do this work, you will find other stars like you, & then you can choose what constellation you wanna be part of. What you adore about them will be attributes you cultivate in yourself, & together you will be able to do big things! None of this is a coincidence. Keep doing what you were sent here to do.

VIRGO: Ace of Bones

You are being called by your ancestors to slow down, take care of your body, & create ample space for the information they want to bring you. Ace of Bones indicates that you will be receiving an increase in psychic gifts or sensitivities. This is a time where you are super connected to the spirit world, so make sure you are being intentional in what you think, ask for, & share with others. The Femmeiverse is ready to help you femmeifest things real quick, so don’t give energy to what you don’t want.

It’s important that you find a way to ulitize this energy so you feel empowered instead of overwhelmed. This new flow of energy isn’t temporary, it’s your new normal. This means you’ll need to start a cleansing & grounding component to your daily / weekly routines to make sure you can be a clear channel. I suggest using a salt scrub in the shower or taking a salt bath at least once a week to purify your energetic body, imagining the salt melting away any energy that isn’t yours. You’ll also need to establish strong energetic boundaries now that you’re more sensitive, & salt can help with that, too. Placing salt around your residence, in the window sills & across the doorways will make sure your home is sealed up tight to keep uninvited energy out.

Ace of bones is a natural response to the questions & yearnings you’ve been putting out into the Femmeiverse. Your guides & ancestors have been wanting to connect with you more, & now it’s time for you to still yourself so you can receive their guidance. You are so deeply loved, never forget that.

LIBRA: Mentor of Feathers

Let it all out. Your grief is too much. Let it out.

Mentor of Feathers shows us how the body can store grief in the lungs, but that’s not the only place it resides. Your guides & ancestors want you to know that they are here with you, ready to witness whatever you are holding inside. Whenever this card comes up, I recommend sitting in front of a mirror, or recoding your voice, or documenting in some way you can witness your process, & tell yourself the story of your grief. Pick one element, maybe the one with the deepest history, & share it all. From the very beginning to the present. This is your chance to pour over every detail. Hold nothing back. Keep nothing in.

I recommend doing this solo with your guides & ancestors first because you don’t need to be worrying if the other person is paying attention or getting bored, or that you’ll say too much. This process is intended for you to get a deeper understanding of your grief & all the ways it’s connecting & connected to your present day life. You will also get a clearer perspective on what you can do to let it go. Be gentle with yourself throughout your process. Afterward, don’t forget to rest & eat. If you need to distract yourself for a while or talk with someone, do that, too. Resist the urge to do something about what you’ve uncovered until you’ve given yourself an opportunity to settle. There is always enough time to do what’s best for you.

SCORPIO: Five of Bones

This month is meant to help you connect with your cycles of death & rebirth on a deeper level. Five of Bones means you’re right at the end of releasing some really old stuff, leftovers from your previous life, & you’re probably thinking, “Do I really have to let this go?” I’m not gonna tell you what to do, but I do have a question that can help: Does it have a rightful place in the future you’re creating? You are going through such a deep transformation process, it is important to pare everything down to the bones. The beliefs & belongings that you take with you will be the seeds your future self will harvest a life from. Everything will be utilized.

Five of Bones usually indicates a long stretch of time where shit just crumbled, & the more you tried to force things to fall in your favor, the quicker you lost what you had. I want you to understand that you were not being punished for doing anything wrong, it’s just that there wasn’t a whole lot left to hold onto anymore. Your time had simply run out, & a new cycle was activated.

You must embrace that life is always changing, that you are always growing, that parts of you & your life are always dying, which is making room for what’s yet to come. An open heart & open hands are a strong way to signal that you are ready to receive the bounty of the Femmeiverse.

SAGGITARIUS: Nine of Feathers

The time has come for you to stop internalizing the shit other people say about you. Nine of Feathers is all about a phoenix who was born into a family that forgot who they are. So instead of teaching you how to burn hot & bright, then turn into ash, then come back to life, they taught you to douse yourself with water the instant you became warm, & to be afraid of fire. This misinformation was passed down for so long & have become intergenerational teachings.

There’s something different about you, though, sweet one. There is a part of you that always knew you were supposed to grow hot & burn into ash so you could renew yourself. & you tried to activate those powers as best you could. The image on the Nine of Feathers is of a bird plucking out their own feathers, & on the surface it may seem as if this bird is harming themself, but really they’re trying to remember something deeper & older. They are trying to find some way to turn into ash.

You are completing cycles right now, old cycles that probably started before you were born. You come from a lineage of phoenixes who believe that they are dangerous so they suffocate their own flames & passions & desires, but you no longer need to subscribe to these lies. You are not afraid to burn, to turn into ash, & to come back from the dead. Embrace these ancient cycles, & be free.

CAPRICORN: Six of Keys

Some long term planning is gonna pay off this month! Six of Keys celebrates a hard earned victory, & comes after a slew of difficult losses. There were definitely moments you considered giving up, but you have some solid people in your life that helped you keep going. The trick now is to allow yourself to feel victorious.

Others may have misjudged your goals as impossible, but you knew that if you kept at it every day in some way, you would arrive, & here you are. I want you to take inventory of all that you have accomplished, & be thorough. This will hopefully help you understand why you feel tired & a little weary from all this work. It is too easy for you to keep pushing the finish line ahead of you, but you need to rest now. Celebrating how far you’ve come can happen in lots of different ways, so don’t worry about not doing it right.

You may not even feel up to any of that hurrah, & that’s ok, too. You can organize time to rest by taking one or more things off of your daily to-do list. This isn’t a permanent schedule change for you, but one that can facilitate your healing the quickest. You can either do it now, or you can burn out later on & be forced to rest that way. The way you’re doing it now isn’t sustainable. Invest in your future by investing in your present self.

AQUARIUS: Six of Feathers

Six of Feathers is all about receiving a vision for where you wanna be, & then making it happen. It’s amazing that you are even able to receive such a vision, & it will get clearer as you venture on. In order to arrive in this next new phase, you’re gonna have to fly. Your guides & ancestors, who are inspiring you along, know this, which is why you’re gonna make some of your own — yes, I’m referring to the wings!

This will be a process of trial & error, so don’t expect to get it perfectly on the first several tries. You’re gonna have to trust some kind of internal process on how to construct wings for the first time, but you absolutely can do this! Have fun, let your creativity run wild! Take a break when you need to, & even if you feel like giving up for a bit, your heart won’t let you stray for too long. You’ll be back it with new ideas & a different perspective.

Finishing your wings is only part of the journey, the actual traveling part will also be guided by your intuition, & it’s ok if in the end you’re unsure whether your wings can actually fly cuz spirit is gonna show up to help there, too. Spirit will show up as community members who can fly along side you & add support so you don’t crash. Some will be folks you know personally, & some are folks you’ve never met or will never meet. Community & spirit can femmeifest in lots of magical ways, just stay open!

PISCES: Seven of Bones

This month Seven of Bones continues the trend from last month. The more you get clear about who you are & increase your standards, the more pushback you will receive from people & places that are invested in you remaining powerless. Please do not take any of their feedback personally. You’re on the right track.

Seven of Bones indicates that there will be a few more losses that could shake you down to your roots. Remember that you are strong, & to use that strength to be flexible instead of resisting uncomfortable change. Root loss means you’re gonna have to learn to live without some things you didn’t ever think you would have to, & I can’t tell you who or what they’re gonna be. But I can tell you that I’ve survived my version of Seven of Bones. Yes, it was absolutely devastating, but ultimately those root losses lead me to a life that really loves me back.

Creating a ritual for the grief that accompanies such loss could be helpful so that energy can keep flowing through & outta your life. Write a letter & burn it. Bury some things in a special place. Cry. Sleep. Spend time with friends, human, animal, or elemental. Discover new ways to take care of yourself. These can become your new rituals. You’re gonna be ok, water babe. Someday you might even be grateful for the gifts that come as a result of these losses.

