February Tarotscopes: Nowhere Left To Go But Inside Your Heart

Resist the urge to distance yourself from uncomfortable feelings or fight this process in any way.

Dacia Holliday
17 min readFeb 10, 2020


DDear Sweet One,

Now that some of the crash and burn of last month is cooling down, the Femmeiverse has brought you Eight of Feathers to slow way down so you can confront some things you’ve been avoiding.

It’s possible you became so adept at not having to deal with the things that have hurt you that now you don’t remember what those things are anymore. But since the Tower brought all your shit to the surface last month, you’re gonna find out.

Your guides and ancestors are in cahoots with the Femmeiverse to lovingly orchestrate some time and space for you to focus on going inward and connecting with all your selves — past, present, and future!

Resist the urge to distance yourself from uncomfortable feelings or fight this process in any way.

Remember that this is not a punishment, you are not in this situation cuz you did anything wrong, & you are most definitely not alone. You are supremely supported, witnessed, and in complete control of how you respond to what’s happening. This is a process for you to reclaim parts of you that you discarded before you knew better, so make sure you spend time forgiving yourself, too. You might find yourself at the crossroads of forgiving others, the trick with that is to fill your own heart first so that you can do this without compromising yourself any further.

Surrender. You are safe now.


P.S. I’ve included affirmations with each of the tarotscopes. Let me know what you think!

Read tarotscopes that correlate with your Sun, Moon, and Ascending / Rising signs for a good time. Read to include Venus, Pluto, and other planetary placements for an even better time!

ARIES: Temperance

Eight of Feathers + Temperance = Balance Your Magic

TThis month is all about diving through the rubble of last month to create something completely new for yourself. Temperance is here to remind you of the power you possess to bring ingredients together, such as your raw emotions, once discarded dreams, a sprinkle of surrender here and a dash of faith there, and come up with results that surprise you. Focus on the ways you practice this very magic every day so you don’t become overwhelmed or afraid you can’t do this. Your ancestors and guides know that you are ready to channel miracles through churning elements of hardship into trust and fortitude!

Temperance is also about trusting your ability to pull information from the spirit world, for example, your intuition, dreams, and general messages from the Femmeriverse, and let it flow into the physical world. It touches on the ways you bring yourself back from the dead again and again, too.

Parts of you have become frozen, sometimes trauma can make you freeze but is not always the reason why, and it is your job to bring life and warmth and blood back to those parts of you. Tears and feelings and other gifts will thaw as you do this, so resist the urge to figure out where they are coming from. For now, just feel them and let them move through you. These are ways you will bring yourself back into balance, babe. As always, trust your process.

Affirmation: I recognize how my magic flows through everything I do.

TAURUS: The Instructor

Eight of Feathers + The Instructor = Review Your Survival Story

AsAs you explore the terrain of your deeper self, you are gonna come across some of the shit you’ve survived. Your guides and ancestors brought you the Instructor to ground you in the fact that even if you feel all kinds of ways for surviving, you still have a purpose.

Life sucks, and sometimes it can be a shit show for way too long, but none of this is for nothing. I really believe that we make some choices about our lives before we tumble into these human flesh suits. When someone, while in spirit form, wants to serve a special purpose here on Earth, they need specific experiences to learn special skills so they can draw upon personal expertise and not just theory. I promise I’m not explaining away your pain with new-age bullshit, I, too, am sharing from personal experience.

I love this card cuz it always reminds me of when I was gonna give up. I drew this card one summer, fresh outta some trauma shit, lonely, depressed, didn’t know where I was going or what I was gonna do for money, and here comes the Instructor with some message about mentorship. I was like, “Ok, but whatever.”

When my mental, emotional, and spiritual health spiral like this, I even start thinking about leaving this planet, aka suicidal ideation, cuz all the pain doesn’t feel like it’ll ever end, and life (my life) doesn’t seem worth it anymore.

One day, I came across an enclave of queer brown femmes, such as myself, and what a fucking gift! It was there that I could share all that I had learned about being a queer brown femme in a sea of queer white masculinity, about the danger zones and warning signs and how to survive heartache and heartbreak.

Through this holy union, I was able to understand that my survival matters & so does sharing the specificities of my experience. This is true for you, too, love.

Affirmation: I am allowed to share what I know.

GEMINI: Apprentice of Feathers

Eight of Feathers + Apprentice of Keys = Call Back Your Power

WWhen I preface something with “Your guides and ancestors,” I am not solely referring to individuals in your blood lineage, I am also acknowledging chosen family ancestry, the ancestry of water and earth and fire and air, and many other beautiful ways we create family and connection and lineage.

I do this cuz I know ancestry and family is complicated for lots of people (myself included), and it is way too easy to feel disconnected especially when families never talk about the brilliant queer and trans that you descend from, or when there are family members who have caused a lot of harm, or when lineages span across literal and figurative continents through adoption, or they are lost through war and genocide.

One way I have learned how to invoke ancestral lineage in a way that feels safer is to connect with the Future Ancestral Self. Basically, the person you are right now is the future ancestor of you yesterday, you last week, last year, 5 years ago, 10 years ago, and on and on. Now imagine the you that exists tomorrow, next week, next year, 5 years from now, 10 years from now, and on and on. This is what I mean when I refer to your future ancestral self and past ancestral self.

Now, Gemini babe, your card this month, brought to you by your ancestral self, is the Apprentice of Keys. It is about a peer-mentorship relationship, which I might usually interpret as you in a relationship to another person, but what really comes through for you, Gemini babe, is that this card is about you and your future ancestral self, and your relationship to power.

I love that Gemini is represented by twins, and the image of Apprentice of Keys in the Collective Tarot shows two people in mirrored poses, each holding a wand with fire on the end. It appears as though they are learning how to eat fire, which is a symbol for how to take power back into your body, and important it is to be careful. Instead of seeking guidance from your peers or mentors as your journey into your beliefs about power and feeling powerful, you will need to seek the wisdom of your future ancestral self, and now that I think about it, definitely your past ancestral self.

Take special care when memories of feeling powerless surface, this is natural.

Tap into the wisdom and insight you have now, and share that with your past self. Know that this is also possible with your future self. Your future ancestral self has some things to share with you.

Affirmation: It is safe for me to be powerful.

CANCER: The Magician

Eight of Feathers + The Magician = Embrace Your Healing

AA s you dive into your inner ooey gooey at the behest of Eight of Feathers, make sure you are using this opportunity to practice all your healing skills on yourself. Your guides and ancestors understand that sometimes it is easier to show love and care for others cuz you know they for sure deserve the best, and they want you to know that about yourself, too.

Nobody is asking for perfection in these regards, you are allowed to feel confused, overwhelmed, resistant, unsure, and any other emotion that comes up when you prioritize yourself (hello, guilt.), just don’t let them stop you.

Eight of Feathers acknowledges that there are experiences in your past that shaped some of your present beliefs about prioritizing your healing, and your job now is to change them.

Something I do is imagine my present adult self going back in time and providing safety, comfort, and understanding to my younger selves, or even bringing past selves into the present to show us / them how their survival made this future possible.

It might also be helpful to ask yourself what could possibly go wrong if / when you prioritize yourself. Will your world fall apart? Will others feel like they can’t depend on you? Will you need to renegotiate your responsibilities? Will you need help with childcare so you can have uninterrupted time? Can you ask for support from others?

These realities, as well as any that are specific to you, are totally valid, and I can understand how it feels overwhelming or scary. My hope is that you gift yourself the opportunity to take care of yourself anyways. Your healing is another way you can take care of your lineage and community. Nobody else can do this for you.

Affirmation: The Femmeiverse and my community support my healing.

LEO: Intermission

Eight of Feathers + Intermission = Change Your Perspective

BBelieve it or not, you are exactly where you need to be. In your pursuit of clarity and answers to your questions, you have found yourself feeling more and more restrained, and this is cuz your guides and answers are trying to get you to surrender. The more you fight and struggle, the more out of control you will feel.

The more you accept your topsy turvy circumstances, the quicker you will find out why you’re here, and the quicker you will be able to move on through.

Essentially, a long time ago (possibly before you were in this body) you buried some kind of ancestral key, an ancestral knowing, to help you if and when you got off track in life. I know that everything happens for a reason, yeah yeah, but you set up some kind of internal compass to help you find your way should you ever veer way off course, and that’s what this moment in time is all about.

The Femmeriverse is turning everything upside down so you can gain proper perspective. A lot of stuff is gonna come up for you, all kinds of treasures you’ve swallowed and hid, so don’t be afraid to examine every bit of it. Eventually, you will find the key that will set you free.

Affirmation: I hold the power to set myself free.

VIRGO: Two of Feathers

Eight of Feathers + Two of Feathers = Honor Your Past, Present, and Future

YYou are making some big moves soon! This month your guides and ancestors want you to spend time going through your archives and releasing relics from your caterpillar life.

You may be a new butterfly, but you are a butterfly nonetheless.

Two of Feathers shows someone packing away the last box of belongings to prepare for some kind of change in location, whether it’s something to do with work or school or something else, the overall message is the time has come to move on.

Grief will inevitably show up in times of change, so make sure you honor it.

You can even bring some things from your caterpillar life into your new butterfly life, just make sure you don’t over pack! If you do, you’ll be forced to make some hard decisions later on. Trust that you are prepared for what’s yet to come and that you don’t need to save every note cuz you will remember something when you need it.

The pause that the Eight of Feathers brings for you this month is so you can adjust to this new you with a bit more privacy. Look over your lists, check them twice, give your cocoon one last kiss, and then take off! I’d also recommend focusing on your connection with Spirit cuz the feathers suite in the Collective Tarot are all about communication, and the strongest impression I get for you is to rely on Spirit in new ways.

Affirmation: I give myself permission to move forward in my life.

Libra: Seven of Keys

Eight of Feathers + Seven of Keys = Your Feelings Can Change

TThis month your guides and ancestors want you to focus on the power you have to inspire collective healing by first figuring out how to hold your own power.

As you do the labor of Eight of Feathers and spend time with your feelings and thoughts that come up, you will notice a pattern within the purge. Old beliefs and feelings of inadequacy can be let go of with love and compassion. You may have been afraid to acknowledge them, but that doesn’t mean they’re inherently bad, and it doesn’t mean they don’t need tenderness or care.

As you engage with them differently, they will transform into something new that you can use going forward.

As you realize that your grief has the power to change into self-awareness into tenderness into love, nothing will be able to stop you. You will recognize the ways systems that feel insurmountable can be rendered useless as we begin to create our own systems of access to intimacy and nurture vulnerability.

All of this starts when someone like you realizes how powerful they are as an individual, and can translate that into greater collective power. Sometimes doing this intensely private healing work can make you feel more alone, but you’re not sweet one.

As you come out of your shell, others will join you.

Affirmation: I trust that my energetic blocks can melt into a new awareness.

SCORPIO: Ten of Bottles

Eight of Feathers + Ten of Bottles = Community is Everywhere

YYour guides and ancestors want you to know that the signs you have been noticing really are urging you to include more souls into your inner circle.

As Eight of Feathers urges you to dig deep, you will uncover how connected you are to everyone and everything around you. Now is the time to expand your community beyond the precious circle you’ve curated, and include elementals such as bodies of water, animal friends, spirit guides and ancestors, planets, stars, and other entities that you feel called to connect with.

This will help fill you up with love, support, and resources so you have a deep well to draw from when you need support!

Begin trying out how it feels to drop your anchor and not have to pick it back up right away. In the past, you may have felt like there weren’t any waters deep enough to hold you, but that’s not true. You get to release your anchor long enough to actually rest, to comb through the tangles, and figure out some plans.

This new realm of community can reflect more of yourself back to you, love parts of you that only celestial bodies can love, provide company when you dive deeper than anyone you know, and carry the whole of your being through good times and bad. The community you’ve been relying on has taken such good care of you, and I bet they’ll be happy to be part of a larger web of loving beings who have your back.

Affirmation: My community of support is growing with me and my needs.

SAGITTARIUS: Seven of Feathers

Seven of Feathers + Eight of Feathers = You Are Your Best Investment

TThis month is about growing stronger by trusting yourself. Part of why the Femmeiverse wants you to focus on investigating your deepest thoughts and feelings is cuz you are gonna realize it is time for you to leave a fucked up situation.

Unconsciously, you’ve placed yourself in line to be exploited and torn apart by others. Lately, you may have noticed a stronger urge to express yourself, whether you’re at work, school, a community organizer meeting, or when you come home — that’s your instinct to survive.

It is letting you know that it is not your destiny to be picked clean by people entrusted with power just cuz the “rules” of white supremacy and other oppressive institutions say so. This is a losing game, and you don’t have to play!

In the grand scheme of things, you fly away, but only after you trust that soft little feeling deep inside your heart. It’s just a baby seed right now and holds so much potential, so don’t ignore it. And don’t believe it when people who are invested in these oppressive systems tell you “It’s like this no matter where you go…” cuz there is a better place for you.

That’s what they want you to think so they can essentially eat you later.

Don’t waste any time with regrets on why you didn’t realize what was happening earlier, just be grateful you’re getting out. You live and you learn.

Affirmation: I can trust myself into situations and out of situations.

CAPRICORN: Ace of Bones

Eight of Feathers + Ace of Bones = Surrender

DDear Cap, I am here to preach the gospel of Pluto. If you don’t already know, and it’s totes ok if you don’t (I didn’t until last year), Pluto is moving through Capricorn right now. I highly recommend doing a bit of astrological birth chart research to find out where Pluto is in relation to any Capricorn placements, cuz I bet shit has been happening in your life. Probably since around 2008, cuz that’s when Pluto entered Capricorn. I’m not an astrologer, but I do love Pluto.

I, too, have been shaped by the chaos and have had to surrender to the constant churn of life, death, and rebirth.

Even though it feels destabilizing, the Femmeiverse is actually helping you live a life you’ve only dreamed of.

Ace of Bones is your card for the month, so the time is ripe to begin channeling extra psychic energy in your life. This can come in many different forms and may include things like an increase in psychic abilities, developing spirit sight, or stronger dreams.

Make sure you are taking extra good care of yourself so you don’t feel too overwhelmed. It is important that you keep these channels open and protected. Eat, sleep, hydrate, get fresh air, and rest when needed. It is also important for you to create a personal cleansing ritual so you can shed energies that don’t belong to you, and grounding rituals to strengthen your boundaries.

Salt is very useful in both regards. The stronger you get, the stronger your boundaries need to be! Make sure to have fun. This increase in abilities means more creative energy, too!

Affirmation: I surrender to the changes happening within me and all around me.

AQUARIUS: Mentor of Bottles

Eight of Feathers + Mentor of Bottles = You Know Exactly What To Do

II t is vital to your journey that you take this month to get in touch with your deeper truths and deeper knowing cuz you are gonna learn how to steer your own ship! For a long time you thought you were steering your ship, but unbeknownst to you, someone else was always at the helm.

Now you get to be in charge, set the course, and take hold of your destiny. Don’t worry about the learning curve, just cuz it’s steep doesn’t mean it’s impossible.

Feel free to throw out any of the leftover maps or stories about constellations or the old compass, they will not serve you. You are creating a new map, your map, based on your experiences and how you choose to interpret them. For example, you’re gonna find out what a whirlpool is, probably by getting caught in it a few times, and that’s ok.

That’s the learning curve I was telling you about. By the time you pull yourself out a few times, you’re gonna be able to know a whirlpool is a whirlpool without getting sucked in. Then you can put it on your map!

Create a new map based on your relationship to the land, waters, skies, and stars, to yourself and that compass you were born with.

Trust that even when you feel lost, you are not alone. Your guides and ancestors are aboard, so ask for their input when needed or desired!

Affirmation: My heart is a trusty tool.

PISCES: Six of Keys

Eight of Feathers + Six of Keys = Sometimes You Win

YYour guides and ancestors know you might be feeling a bit banged up, and that’s why they brought you the Six of Keys this month! You have accomplished so much, and although you feel like you have such a long way to go before you meet your personal goals, you deserve to stop and bask in the glow of your personal victories!

You have been loving yourself in new ways every day, and it is making a huge difference in your life and in your relationships. I wouldn’t be surprised if others have not only noticed these changes, they’ve probably been inspired by them, too.

I invite you to take some deep, relaxing breaths right now and acknowledge that none of this is a fluke or coincidence. You have worked hard and shown dedication to your process even when there weren’t any results to affirm your new choices. That means you’ve been strengthening your faith, too.

All your failures, all the times you lost and life seemed to take a turn for the worst brought you here. You fought and struggled and persevered. None of this was easy, but cuz you allowed your trials — as well as your triumphs — to shape you, you have a tempered truth that can cut through anything. You also carry the truth that no matter what, you will prevail.

Celebrate that. Celebrate you.

Affirmation: I deserve to celebrate my victories.

