The Pulpit Presents: Jams For The Other Side

July Westhale
Published in
3 min readOct 11, 2019


// photo by Ignotus the Mage

OOur stories this week may seem like they’re all over the map, but really, they are about borders, boundaries, and selfhood. In navigating the space between here and there. In understanding the vastness of liminality, especially as it pertains to identity, which is such a rocky landscape anyhow.

Let’s start off by introducing our newest monthly features: Dacia Holliday’s monthly tarotscopes! Your October Tarotscopes: Letting Go Of What Once Was is full of beautiful wisdom for your whole month.

“Five of Bones, the card for this month, shows a bone hand, palm up, with a small mound of sand falling through. We both know this sand wasn’t always sand. At one time your hands & life were overflowing with the gifts of the Femmeiverse — tasty treats, relationships that made you happy you survived everything to get here, career opportunities, connection …”

Mary “Pepper” O’Brien’s piece on bi-erasure, “Bisexuality And Unexpected Pregnancy” offers us a much-needed, little-discussed look at how pregnancy, child-rearing, and bisexuality has lent itself to erasure and being eighty-sixed — inside and outside of the queer community.

My feelings weren’t important enough to consider because, apparently, every person I talked to only understood



July Westhale

co-founding executive editor of Writer, translator, professor, media roustabout. Gender queer (she/they).