What We Love About ‘Drugz’: An Interview With Rapper Vbae

July Westhale
Published in
4 min readApr 29, 2020


// photo from Present PR

II f you don’t know who Vbae is, be ready to fall in love. Her beats are both timeless and also throw back to hip hop’s nineties prime. Her aesthetic is the hot pink sex machine fierce energy we all need in our lives right now. And her voice? Steady, smooth. Pure electricity.

But let’s start at the beginning. Who is Vbae?

“Victoria Peredetto, professionally known as Vbae, will release her next single “Drugz” on Friday April 10th. Accompanied by a high-production music video, “Drugz” emits a sensually empowered attitude that’s bound to resonate with fans. Born in Boston, MA, Vbae has been in the limelight since the age of 14. With beginnings as both a model and actress, her beloved fanbase would agree that her transition to the world of music was no less than organic. “I started out writing R&B lyrics about love and not really expressing myself the way I wanted to,” she says. Writing about her emotions caused things to click and combining her newly found creativity with her experience in entertainment directed her to Hip Hop, where it’s safe to say she flows naturally.” — Female Hip Hop Artist Vbae Releases Sensual New Track ‘Drugz’.

Now let’s hear about her in her own words.



July Westhale

co-founding executive editor of medium.com/PULPMAG. Writer, translator, professor, media roustabout. Gender queer (she/they).