Your October Tarotscopes: Letting Go Of What Once Was

October: Five Of Bones

Dacia Holliday
13 min readOct 7, 2019


// photo by Dacia Holliday, card by Annie Murphy (& the Collective Tarot)

DDear Sweet One,

This month is all about letting go of the last grains of What Once Was. These are the remnants & unfulfilled promises from dreams that turned into nightmare & plans that fell apart right before fruition. I know the bonds you have forged with these precious particles are everlasting, but it’s time to open that fist hiding in the corner of your heart. Five of Bones, the card for this month, shows a bone hand, palm up, with a small mound of sand falling through. We both know this sand wasn’t always sand. At one time your hands & life were overflowing with the gifts of the Femmeiverse — tasty treats, relationships that made you happy you survived everything to get here, career opportunities, connection …

& now you’re clinging to their memories cuz scarcity tricked you into believing that you’re never gonna get this chance again, so you better hold on FOREVER. But, baby, this isn’t true.

These gifts were living, as in they have a whole life of their own, complete with a beginning, a middle, & an end. They were not forever gifts because that’s not how any of this works. I’m sorry to tell you this right now, when perhaps more than anything you wanna be told there are forever things. I can’t. I won’t. Not even you, sweet one, are a forever thing.

But before you lose faith, let me remind you of the promise that Five of Bones holds: If you let these sands of What Once Was go, more will come.

The Femmeiverse will know you are ready for more blessings when your hands are open & empty. & while you’re clearing things out, do yourself a favor & give your magic a boost by shelving expectations of how you will be filled once again. Blessings come & go, seasons change, & through it all you are always being held & loved by the Femmeiverse.

The place you are right now was once a miracle you doubted. Don’t do that again.


ARIES: Five Of Feathers

Your penchant for diving in head first can get you into complicated situations sometimes, & now the Femmeiverse wants you to know it’s time to shed & pluck the feathers you thought you needed, the layers you thought would protect you but only kept you numb. Now is the time to choose the living breathing version of your life, no matter how scary the unknown or how messy it will be. The Femmeiverse wants you to choose the BOLD version of you — unyielding, uncompromising, & unafraid to center your livelihood & fiercest dreams. Dare to cut deep into your center.

Throughout this process you’re gonna find things to forgive yourself for. This is an opportunity to finally let those wounds heal, even if you feel broken open & kinda oozy. Grow your own wings now that you’re pulling out your fake feathers. Your will fly again, sweet one. Trust this new / old / sacred version of you that is emerging. Show us what you’ve been hiding.

TAURUS: Ace Of Keys

Something deep inside of you is breaking open. Long ago you found an old chest with a lock that you assumed held treasures that could change your life. The Femmeiverse agrees with you, & I’m here to let you know that you were right. I bet your curiosity took hold of you, & in typical bull style you never let up trying to crack it open. I want you to be present as contents of your chest unfolds.

Ace of Keys, your card for the month, foretells that wrapped within the flames of creativity you will find many gifts, including a partial map that will take you where you need to go next. There is no “X” that marks the spot cuz that part is missing.

On purpose. Your guides & ancestors don’t wanna overwhelm you, or give you any wiggle room to self-sabotage the good shit coming your way. This journey will not only require your tried & true bullish ways, aka stubbornness & perseverance, but also the newer parts of you that have poured forth from your busted heart.

GEMINI: Artist Of Keys

The other significant player on this card is the heart on the outside of the merperson. This means you not only naturally wear your heart in your sleeve, but you tend to lean towards putting it all out there. Your guides & ancestors want you to know this is exactly what you’re supposed to do, & that it’s safe for you to do it now. The lighthouse is a femmeifestation of all the work you’ve put into creating healthy boundaries for yourself, & represents the power you have in discerning when it’s time to tuck your heart away momentarily if you sense a possible threat. Your boundaries help illuminate any possible breaches, & allows you to respond accordingly. More than anything, sweet one, you get to feel deep peace as you begin playing with the world again. I know you’ve been nursing some deep hurt, but the tides have turned & now is the time to start reemerging again.

Take time to let your heart teach you about weeping from grief & joy, how to act on your dreams, & how to be patient with your process. Reclaim what you were afraid you lost forever by embracing play & connecting with others! It may have been a while since you’ve let go of worries & expectations like this, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible.

CANCER: Reception

Take this moment to breathe deep & remind yourself you are so loved, & your magic is so necessary, that you are being safely carried through life by the Femmeiverse. This powerful magic chose you as the vessel to bring it into the world, so don’t ever doubt your ability. Whether it’s a story, a skill, a dream, a spell, or anything else, it chose you! Every feeling you’ve ever felt, every story you’ve ever read, every word you’ve learned, every heartbreak you’ve learned from, every kiss, every touch, & every morsel of life that has passed your lips has prepared you for birthing this energy into the world. This is not easy, sharing your guts & vulnerability like this, but its purpose is not for you alone. Your creation absolutely belongs in this world. There is already a place for it, even if you don’t know how it will get there, or where there is.

Don’t let your fear & doubt hinder the gift you’re meant to share. Instead, take a breath, remember how everything everything has brought you to this place, & give thanks to your ancestors that have continually guided you & brought you blessings & reprieves when you needed it most. Your existence is proof that you are loved. Give that same love to your creative drive, & champion yourself until the world catches on.

LEO: Hanged One

You are the magician, bound in circumstances of your own making, & the Hanged One is showing up now to let you know that now is the time to surrender. The more you fight accepting things as they are, the tighter your chains will feel. The choices you made that led you here are neither good nor bad, they’re ingredients for your journey. & if you wanna tap into their utility you gotta shed any shoulda, coulda, wouldas!

There is something you buried long ago that needs to make its way out, & this is the best way to retrieve it. Everything feels topsy turvy cuz upside down is how you’re gonna gain much needed perspective. Before you came to this life, your spirit tucked an ancestral key away so you could find it when it was time for you to fee yourself. The magician on this card will only get free once the key they swallowed makes its way out, & the same goes for you. Keep breathing. Let it all come out, everything you’ve been swallowing & hiding. Be generous with radical acceptance & forgiveness, always starting with yourself.

VIRGO: Eight Of Keys

Your guides & ancestors want you to know that the direction you’re headed in is where you’re supposed to be. I know you wish you had been more prepared, but that is not the case. Eight of Keys is all about the Femmeiverse celebrating you on your journey, meaning it has already begun! All you gotta do now is surrender to the momentum & rest when needed.

You’re at a really tender part of your growth, kinda like when a seedling is about to shoot through the soil. Spirit has already set things up for you according to your specific needs & desires, so don’t panic too much if the terrain is unfamiliar. You are meeting the bones of your new life.

Whether or not you felt / feel ready, you are. You will continue gathering information & resources as you plod along, which is exactly why you couldn’t plan everything before your departure. Your path might seem to change a little more each time you come to it, but that’s just the clarity of it. Give thanks for the ability to understand the deeper layers of your life, & trust the changes that are reflected back to you.

LIBRA: Mentor Of Keys

Your guides & ancestors want you to know that all the work you are doing / have done to make peace & accept all the precious pieces of your being has paid off. You’ve cracked open the hard outer shell & revealed your softy soft interior, & this is exactly where you should be. Perched on the verge of everything, about to dive into a life that loves you back, a life that celebrates you, a life so filled with grace that you will begin to do some deep grieving. You belong here. You are brilliant. You are connected to something bigger than you. You have grown. You are free. Release everything & anyone that does not agree. It’s time for you to shine.

This will hurt. You will feel confused. You will feel lost. But no matter what, keep following your soft heart. Resist the urges to harden up again, & if you need more protection, give yourself permission to seek safe(r) spaces where you can simply exist. You might just end up surrounded by other stars like yourself, forming a constellation! As you take your place among the stars, you will recognize others who are waking up to the fact that they’re stars, too.


It’s important for you to keep trusting & developing your intuition. The Chance card is how your ancestors & guides are letting you know to get ready for unexpected twists & turns cuz they’ve got some surprises brewing for you. But don’t worry! It’s not gonna be fucked up, unexpected, throw you off your game kinda shit. It’s more like “OMG, that’s for me?!?” kinda shit. Your heart is known, & they wanna give you what you want.

If receiving is something you still need practice with (& really, who doesn’t?), just take this time to remind yourself, “I deserve unconditional love. I deserve respect. I deserve to feel safe. I am worthy of support from my friends, my loved ones, my community, & the Femmeiverse. I give myself permission to receive these gifts with my whole being.” The more you trust yourself, which is what these affirmations will strengthen, the better able you are to follow your intuitive hunches. There is a whole other world waiting for your arrival, & it’s closer than you think. Chance is here to remind you that the life you truly desire is not impossible, so don’t lose faith now. In fact, take some time now to create & strengthen your own language with Spirit & the Femmeiverse. Use all your senses to explore how Spirit communicates with you. It could be a feeling, a smell, a personal symbol, a song, or any other magical ordinary thing! Trust those nudges & you will arrive where & when you’re meant to.

SAGITTARIUS: Seeker Of Bottles

Your guides & ancestors want you to go with the flow for the time being. You’re supposed to be shedding everything that is not you. You are the center of your world, & if your reserves are empty cuz you’re carrying other people’s shit, there’s not a whole lot left to give. Or at least anything you feel good about. If you continue holding onto anything that throws you off your center it’s gonna fuck with your balance. Instead of worrying about this, focus your energy & efforts on your feelings, your well-being, your future, your dreams, your heart, your spirit. Seeker of Bottles is here to let you know that until you do clarity will elude you. You cannot receive the answers you’ve been seeking if your mind is cluttered with other people’s shit.

Magic one, you have no control over the thoughts or actions of others. I know surviving this life can put you on high alert all the time, I don’t wanna discount that. What I want you to understand is that you’re gonna drown if you don’t prioritize yourself. Get real still & quiet & let your daydreams tell you what to do next! Those thoughts that pop into your mind unexpectedly are divinely guided, so it’s ok to pay attention to them. You don’t have to have a tangible plan of action right now, you’re still envisioning the foundation.

CAPRICORN: Ace Of Feathers

Ace of Feathers is your guides & ancestors’ way to let you know the time has come to purge your soul. It sucks when it’s time to purge some of that deep internalized oppressive beliefs because it’s horrifying & shameful to admit that we swallowed that shit whole. You were exposed to things that told you you are bad, wrong, disgusting, less than, & generally unloveable. Just because it was your parents, or other caregivers, or your community, doesn’t make it true. Expelling these expired ideas & beliefs will require intention, so get creative — talk to yourself, write letters to yourself, play music, dance & move your body! These practices can work wonders. You have always deserved safety, support, unconditional love, to be believed, to take up space, to heal, to be you.

Don’t be surprised that once you give yourself permission to be free from these false bonds, all kinds of other shit is gonna come to your attention, such as instances where you compromised yourself, when you had to bite your tongue clean off because it wasn’t safe to share your perspective, when someone you trusted told you something about yourself they had no business sharing cuz they didn’t know how wrong they were, etc. The more care & attention you give yourself, the more parts of you that need that care will come to your attention. Just go with it. It’s time. Ultimately, this will help you feel confident in your choices again, & moving forward, no matter how unclear it seems, will be easier. Good luck, babe. I know you’re ready.

AQUARIUS: Ace Of Bottles

I know you probs have a penchant for doing things yourself. That you have asked for help before, but it didn’t quite yield the results you needed, & you ended up stitching things together to “make it work,” as you say. I know. Me, too. (Aquarius rising, here!) Well, Ace of Bottles is here to remind you that there is more to this life than surviving alone. You have a wound that is bleeding out. I’m not sure if you knew about it, sewed it up, but then didn’t give yourself enough to heal up, or if it’s a completely new wound you knew nothing about. Either way, it needs a gentle practiced hand to clean it out & sew it up again. One other than your own.

Communal Healing is your theme for the month. I know there is healing work that we must do individually, & there is healing that can only happen in community. I believe that as we heal ourselves we heal each other, & as we participate in the healing of others we also heal ourselves. When you open yourself to this grace you’ll finally begin to feel like yourself again. This wound has been draining your heart & spirit for a while, now that’s it’s being sutured, you can fill up again. Then you can get back to giving as much as yourself as you’d like. But first, you get your time to heal.

PISCES: Eight Of Bottles

Eight of Bottles tells me you’ve been in a difficult situation for a while, & the time has come to make an exit. What was once a cute lake where things grew & fresh water flowed, & you were able to fill yourself up pretty quickly here, has devolved into a stagnant nightmare. You made some compromises assuming they were temporary, but things never went back to the way they were before, which left you at a disadvantage. Everyone knows you tried, deer one. We know you did everything in your power to avoid leaving, but you know this is no longer salvageable. The longer you stay past the expiration, the messier it gets, & the only one suffering is you.

Your guides & ancestors want you to know they support your decision to leave when you are no longer getting your needs met, & they want you to remember that taking care of yourself doesn’t make you selfish. Don’t worry about what judgements come your way when you call back your power & make choices for your benefit. You are the one who decides how others treat you, you determine your worth, & it’s your responsibility to keep quality control in check. Take this as in invitation to leave murky waters & set out on a new fresh adventure!

