Understanding, Planning and Building Data Governance

Participant using storyboard to illustrate the data collection flow with Wawasan Satu Data toolkit.

For some data stewards working across Indonesia’s public sector, the many uses of the data they collect are not always immediately known. At Puskesmas for instance, which are community health centers located throughout the country, midwives often collect information as part of their responsibilities without considering implications beyond. During a few Wawasan Satu Data toolkit testing that took place in four cities, the workshop participants shared their feedback.

Apart from unpacking the content of the toolkit itself, the workshop sought to enhance the participants’ understanding of the data journey from the collection stage all the way to policy use. Representatives from the Department of Health (Dinkes), the Department of Communication and Informatics (Diskominfo), the Regional Planning and Development Agency (Bappeda) and the Center for Statistics Agency (BPS) were among the participants.

The Wawasan Satu Data toolkit was developed to help data stewards within the public sector understand policies regarding data governance, which are particularly aligned with the draft Presidential Regulation on Satu Data Indonesia. In addition to recent workshops in Makassar and Kulon Progo, similar ones took place in Pontianak and Mojokerto throughout August and September of this year. These cities were chosen as the pilot locations for Wawasan Satu Data testing. The focus was on testing data governance guidelines relevant to local government, including cities and districts.

During the workshops, participants were encouraged to come up with role plays in which they had to interact with various data transaction processes. For one midwife, this simulation exercise helped her to see a more holistic picture of the information she was collecting, in terms of its usefulness beyond the community health center in which she works. “I really could now see how the data I have gathered rigorously are used by government institutions like Bappeda and other departments, including local agencies, to help build tangible policies,” she explained.

The testing stage is the final step for developing and finalising the Wawasan Satu Data toolkit. Within this process, there are three objectives: to understand, plan and build a sustainable data governance system. Since Pak Sigit from Diskominfo Kulon Progo’s engagement in the toolkit testing workshop, he has pursued a draft Peraturan Bupati (Regent Policy) based on the data governance guidelines (which much to his determination, was planned and finalised in just one month).

As facilitators of the Wawasan Satu Data toolkit testing workshop, both Pulse Lab Jakarta and The Executive Office of the President were tasked with helping the participants to understand the content of the toolkit, which is functional for individual and group usage. In Mojokerto and Pontianak, the National Democratic Institute (NDI) played a significant role in arranging and facilitating the project.

After completing the series of testing throughout all four cities and districts, the facilitators regrouped for post evaluations, which uncovered fresh perspectives on the toolkit and the broader attempt to improve the quality of data governance in Indonesia’s public sector. Our next blog in this Wawasan Satu Data series will discuss those new discoveries.

This video shows highlights from the toolkit testing workshops:

Pulse Lab Jakarta is grateful for the generous support from the Government of Australia.



UN Global Pulse Asia Pacific
United Nations Global Pulse Asia Pacific

UN Global Pulse Asia Pacific is a regional hub that aims to drive data innovation and sustainable development to ensure that no one is left behind.