Introducing Pulse Network — Complete Medical solution on Polkadot

Pulse Network
Pulse Network
Published in
3 min readFeb 11, 2021


An Overview of Pulse Network

Pulse Network’s main goal is ensuring unrivalled availability of the most advanced medical care to everyone in the world. At Pulse, we understand that breakthroughs are happening every day in the field of medical care but they do not get to everyone equally. Knowledge and expertise are two major hurdles that we hope to conquer for medical care to get the much-needed transformation it deserves worldwide.

By making use of blockchain and encryption technologies, we will develop a medical information platform. Pulse Network has always insisted that doctors, pharmacists, and even home-based care providers do not get access to the best medical care information. To create a level-playing field in the medical sphere, Pulse is working on creating a virtual laboratory. In this laboratory, all those involved in the medical field will get a chance to expand their knowledge and expertise, even the patients that seek diagnostic or pharmaceutical guidance.

Why Blockchain?

With the strides blockchain technology has made over the years, one cannot ignore them as their technology of choice. Where blockchain has stood out, is that it has been tested in several platforms and has succeeded. With the medical care provision model that we have, blockchain is the best choice to help reach the masses that need medical care in a secure and scalable manner.

Decentralization is among the main features of the blockchain that we look forward to incorporating. Decentralizing the medical care sector ensures patients get information that is not distorted. Also, doctors seeking consultation will get first-hand information that enhances their knowledge base.

The blockchain technology Pulse Network will use gives them access to advanced features as compared to other platforms such as security, authenticity, availability, and scalability. With authenticity, one can be assured that the information they get from the platform is unfiltered, credible, and from expert medical practitioners.

Security features on the blockchain are unmatched as patients’ records cannot be accessed by anyone without privileges. Similarly, individuals from outside the platform cannot alter them. Blockchain technology comes in as the main contributor to advancing our goals because it runs 24/7 without any interruption. Considering medical care provision is a never-ending affair blockchain technology is the best fit here.

It is in everyone’s interest that medical information keeps trickling into our platform. The scalability features offered by blockchain technology, ensure that the updates will have room to grow into the future.

Polkadot’s Edge as a Multi-chain Interchange

With the model that we have, Polkadot’s unparalleled interoperability is the feature that makes us choose it. Polkadot allows cross-blockchain transfers of all data types and assets. Since our platform is information-based and will feature information sharing elements, the ability to interoperate with other blockchains will come in handy. In addition, Polkadot focuses on the chains remaining independent in their governance, but the security is never compromised. As we move forward we will benefit more from the protocol, including how their user-driven network governance will give us a voice to reach everyone that needs medical care all over the world.
Stayed tuned for the next post, where we’ll further discuss why Pulse Network is building on Polkadot.

Coming Soon

We are working on expanding our team and advisors as we go out into the world to provide medical care to those that lack it in a virtual manner. In the coming days, we will be making major announcements and keep you abreast with the latest developments happening on our project.

For the community, our first EarnDrop program is coming up soon and we are ecstatic to see it succeed! Going forward, we will be covering the role of $PULSE in our ecosystem as we make exchanges announcements and give further steps on the workings of our blockchain-enabled medical information platform.

