New Funding on Offer to Turbo Charge Australian COVID-19 Research

MTPConnect is set to launch a third round of its Biomedical Translation Bridge program, specifically designed to target COVID-19 related research.

2 min readMay 22, 2020


MTPConnect Managing Director and CEO, Dr Dan Grant, says eligible organisations can apply for up to $1 million of matching funding for eligible research projects.

“We’re looking to support small and medium enterprises, medical research institutes and universities conducting COVID-19 related research projects,” Dr Grant says.

“Speed is of the essence here, so applications will only be open for two weeks from Monday 18 May via a straightforward expression of interest process.

“Our program will support medical devices and diagnostics research, prophylactic development — such as vaccines — and therapeutic approaches that will make an impact in 12-months or less.

“MTPConnect has designed this rapid COVID-19 round to get results as quickly as possible to help protect the health of Australians and others around the world with the earliest possible deployment of new vaccines, therapeutics and devices.

“By supporting the translation and commercialisation of Australian research know-how, MTPConnect is backing the creation of in-demand health products that can be deployed around the world and the creation of new jobs which will be so critical to the post-COVID-19 recovery,” Dr Grant says.

The BTB program is an initiative of the Australian Government’s Medical Research Future Fund that is operated by MTPConnect and delivered in partnership with BioCurate, UniQuest, the Medical Device Partnering Program and QUT’s Bridge and BridgeTech programs.

Expressions of Interest open on Monday 18 May 2020 and close on Monday 1 June 2020. Details can be found at the BTB page.

