About Us
Official page of Punanga Tauturu Inc Cook Islands Women’s Counselling Centre. See ‘NOTES’ for info on topics from Child Maintenance to Divorce. Ph: 21133
Incorporated in 1994, Punanga Tauturu Women’s Counselling Centre is committed to human rights education and legal literacy which creates an informed society to enable the community to access Justice.We assist women and men in learning how they can use the law to make decisions that can help them to keep their families and communities safe, secure and peaceful, and to hold their governments and societies accountable for their actions.
General Information
Our opening hours are 9am-4pm Mon-Fri. We are located behind the Dental Clinic in Tupapa.
We provide:
A supportive environment for women to make decisions about themselves and to determine their future when they become victims/survivors of violence and sexual assaults (counselling, safe houses)
The creation of a positive legal framework that recognises the rights of women and children
Empowerment for women through the provision of information and training programmes on legal literacy and human rights
Research and dissemination of information to raise awareness on Human Rights Instruments i.e. Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC).
Development and maintenance of partnerships with stakeholders including Government and civil society.
For a list of all social service providers in the Cook Islands click here: http://social.org.ck/