Image: Apple

Apple Vision Pro:
A New Spatial Computing Paradigm

Published in
6 min readJun 16, 2023


The world watched last week as Apple unveiled the Vision Pro — a dramatic evolution of XR hardware and a new spatial computing platform. Similar to how smartphones rewrote the definition of mobile, Vision Pro’s ripple effect across technology, business, and society has yet to be completely imagined, let alone taken effect. Like the smartphone, which took apps out of tethered computing environments into the palm of everyone’s hand, we expect that immersive devices and advancements in spatial computing will rewrite the rules for the ways we work, live, play, and communicate in the future. As designers and futurists, we have been immersed in spatial computing in its current form and have recognized its nascent importance beyond gaming or digital worlds.

Spatial Computing: The New Paradigm

On the surface the VisionPro appears as another oversized XR headset still searching for a true need-based reason for being. One is still left wondering — why would people need this? Once again a technology leading before a human-need. But, below the surface we believe the VisionPro’s positioning as a spatial computing platform astutely signals a significant paradigm shift underway. One that ultimately will be driven by the human need to remove barriers and more seamlessly connect and converge our work, life, and communities across spaces — digital and physical. Although Apple has now introduced spatial computing to the consumer vernacular, the shift to spatial computing has been in progress for sometime. Spatial computing is more present in our daily lives than we may realize. Voice commands control our automated homes, entertainment apps share virtual experiences across digital and physical boundaries, and even many applications in business, transportation, medicine, wellness, fitness, and finance are integrating spatial computing elements. As spatial computing becomes more intelligent with integrated AI, we expect to see innovation in just about every other “space” that people occupy.

Our First Takes: Progress & Opportunity

We have been working with companies to prepare for this spatial computing paradigm shift as we’ve envisioned and designed products for more immersive experiences. We describe immersive experiences as being — spatial, sensory and social. Each requires a shift in mindset and expertise to create the digital experiences of tomorrow. Apple’s platform embraces each of these characteristics, and bypasses many of the past challenges to innovation in each of these areas. But in many ways, it is just the start, laying the groundwork for even more valuable innovation and opportunities for enhanced machine-to-human partnerships. We are impressed with many features of Apple’s new platform and are already exploring how these new modalities will affect design and product innovation. Here is our take:

Image: Apple


Mixing Reality instead of Binary

Apple is bucking the trend of full virtual, metaverse/VR experiences and embracing a more blended augmented reality approach that aligns with our view that true convergence is about flexibility and seamless movement across digital physical boundaries. The concept of binaries feels less realistic in most use cases. The metaverse hype of fully virtual environments has never felt aligned to the reality of the natural progression in spatial computing experiences. Apple solved this with the personal immersion dial on the VisionPro, allowing the user to adjust the degree of immersion or occlusion from the world. This innovation recognizes reality, and will be interesting to watch as users adopt it.

Familiar Metaphors, Less Novel

From a spatial design perspective, the use cases demonstrated by Apple aren’t really ground-breaking. They mostly demonstrated flat computing windows overlaid in physical spaces. While this idea of spatial computing may be novel, the actual interface metaphors are not. And, these use cases lack uniquely different applications. Perhaps, the focus is on familiarity so others (developers and companies) can build the use case on top. It’s probably a good move to avoid it feeling like a novelty or too specific to be perceived as a platform. This approach also builds a bridge of familiarity to guide both consumers and developers through this transition to a new paradigm.

From Screens to Scenes in Immersive Environments

Disney’s partnership with Apple indicates the power this platform has to transform storytelling and engagement. In 2-D realities, computing users only have one point of view or perspective. In 3-D contexts, 360 degree content is experienced rather than simply watched. We can imagine personal immersive experiences that allow people to participate in stories, adventures, performances, and gaming in new and provocative ways. It’s a shift in design from screens to scenes, as we write about in our recent article.

Image: Apple


No Controllers, More Control

Eliminating awkward accessories and controllers in lieu of natural sensory controls demonstrates the elegance of using human gestures and behaviors to control technology. While the lack of haptics is a trade-off, the lack of controllers combined with Vision Pro’s use of hand, face, and eye gestures will dramatically improve entertainment and gaming. Beyond that, more natural, immersive experiences across many applications will accelerate adoption and open the door to more valuable experiences. We can imagine limitless possibilities for controller-free interfaces that will rapidly improve mobility, collaboration, digital medicine, scientific research, and customer care. Eye movement, facial and hand gestures, voice, and facial recognition are all just the beginning.

Intelligent Senses Intuit Naturally

Generative AI and spatial computing are natural companion technologies that, in combination, will accelerate innovation. Truly personalized, intelligent, immersive experiences will naturally offer new modalities of interaction to create new outcomes. Applications will not only feel more natural, but they’ll also learn and adopt interaction styles and preferences that suit individuals. The combination of Apple’s Vision Pro and Generative AI is a wildly powerful combination of technologies that will break boundaries and power new ideas.
No Haptics, Missed Opportunity

Image: Apple


Socially Aware but Singularly Focused

Apple also reduced the siloed nature of experiences that remove people from their physical surroundings. Features that blur the digital/physical boundary, such as front-facing glass and the ability to see objects and people while wearing the headset, are examples of how users can use the goggles without being completely removed from their world. At a first glance, all the use cases and value props center around solo time at home (solo work, solo entertainment), which really limits its utility. This characteristic of Vision Pro is fertile ground for innovation that allows users to remain present in their current environment while engaging with applications and interfaces within the digital environment.
Eyesight _ external indicators; Remain present in your current situation

New Dimension in Spatial Communication

Video conferencing is about to leap out of 2D into 3D. Apple’s 3D FaceTime and Eye View features are bringing the physical to digital, not just digital to physical. This dramatic blending of realities, more so than any past device, will enable people to talk, play, interact, and work together naturally across digital spaces. Say goodbye to flat, 2D digital backgrounds. The ability to bring people together to share experiences, regardless of location, can be a force for unification, communication, and collaboration at new levels.

Experience Transformation

Apple Vision Pro just rewrote the rules — far beyond XR and gaming. Apple introduced a new computing paradigm that is already fueling disruption across virtually every application category. While we’re very impressed with Apple’s goggles, sensors, controls, visual capabilities, and other features, we are most impressed with the larger implications of this platform on a more seamlessly blended physical/digital world.

While we don’t see a near-term future where people wear XR goggles in their regular daily activities, but, we do think that spatial computing is ripe for rapid innovation. With the delivery of Apple’s platform months away, and broad adoption even further out, we recommend that companies explore ways to incorporate spatial computing into their product strategies now. This evolution will rapidly accelerate, exemplified by brilliant advancements like the one that Apple has made. Apple has fixed a new goal on the horizon where digital/physical interactions are not switched on or off but rather lived naturally. And, this is just the beginning.

A Punchcut Perspective
Ken Olewiler and Jay Jansen
© Punchcut LLC, All rights reserved.




Punchcut is a digital product design and innovation company specializing in seamless products and services for emerging platforms.