A step-by-step resumption of NPXS transactions

Pundi X (writers)
Pundi X
Published in
2 min readJun 13, 2018

Update: 16:30 Singapore time (GMT+8), June 19, 2018

Dear Pundians,

In the past 72 hours, we have held intensive discussions with different parties, including Coinrail, the Korean National Police Agency, the community, and our exchange partners to seek the best possible solution to protect NPXS holders’ interests. We are grateful to have had all parties work together to assist the investigation.

At this moment, the hackers’ address has been revealed, marked, and associated with the Coinrail hack incident. It is closely monitored by all concerned parties. As Korean law enforcement is now investigating this incident, they will disclose the status of the investigation once the result is ready to be shared.

In the mean time, Coinrail is cooperating with Pundi X team to recover the stolen tokens for the affected NPXS holders.


NPXS will be back!

It’s also the community’s and our hope to resume NPXS transactions as soon as possible once the investigation is done. We are happy to announce that NPXS is able to resume trading in the exchanges (excluding Bancor) at 10:00:00 Singapore time (GMT+8) on June 14, 2018 but no deposit and withdrawals. We will resume NPXS properly to minimize the anxiety of all the holders.

Update on June 16, 2018: We will be able to fully resume NPXS smart contract after consultation with our exchange partners, authorities and community. It will be no later than 10:00:00 am Singapore time on June 20, 2018.

Update on June 19, 2018: We will be able to fully resume NPXS smart contract at 7:00 pm SGT (GMT+8) on June 19. Deposit, withdraw, and transfer will resume as normal.

For those who swapped PXS for NPXS during unlocked token distribution period in the first week of June , you will be able to receive the NPXS tokens within the next 72 hours, depending on Etherum network.

Again, Pundi X has not been hacked but an exchange containing NPXS was hacked. You can always check account balances of your NPXS tokens on http://etherscan.io or https://ethplorer.io.

We apologize for the inconvenience that this investigation may bring to our holders but this was a necessary step to comply with a police investigation and protect token holders.

Business at Pundi X continues as usual as we are working on partnerships to expand our XPOS network, concluding token swaps, and bringing NPXS to top exchanges. Stay tuned for our good news ahead.


Zac Cheah
CEO and co-founder
Pundi X

