March tokens unlocked for both NPXS and PXS holders

Pundi X (writers)
Pundi X
Published in
2 min readMar 26, 2018

How to get your NPXS / PXS tokens released through unlock tokens

It’s the time of the month for all Pundi X token holders to receive the unlocked tokens through unlock tokens. During the swap period from March 20 to Sept 20, both NPXS and PXS token holders will get unlocked tokens automatically.

Make sure you hold NPXS/PXS tokens in a wallet that you own the private key, such as MyEtherWallet, Metamask, Nano, Trezor and Imtoken.

WARNING: Please do NOT keep your NPXS/PXS in the wallet of the public exchanges because you will NOT get the unlock token.

Here is the detail of how we release the tokens through unlock token and when we take snapshot:

Snapshot time: 11:59 pm GMT+8 Singapore time, March 31 2018
Execute date: 1st week of April
Amount: 7.316% of NPXS/PXS tokens you hold
Method: Auto. The released token will be sent to the snapshotted wallet address.

To make sure you get the unlocked tokens, please keep your PXS tokens three hours before 23:59 GMT+8 (Singapore time) on March 31 2018, and three hours after 00:00 GMT+8 (Singapore time) on April 1 in a wallet which you own the private key. If you are not able to follow the timeline and the guidance above, you will not receive the released tokens.

Can I store my NPXS/PXS tokens in different wallets to get unlock tokens?

Yes, you can. Make sure you hold the NPXS/PXS tokens in the wallets recommended above and follow the timeline.

What if the snapshot taken place when I do not receive my swapped tokens? (update at 2:00 pm GMT+8 Singapore time on March 27)

The swap will last till Sep 20. We suggest you to avoid swapping your PXS tokens to NPXS three days before the snapshot time. You can start to swap after 3:00 am GMT+8 Singapore time on April 1.

