Making the world’s first blockchain phone call

Pundi X (writers)
Pundi X
Published in
3 min readOct 10, 2018

A new path to decentralization: Function X

Dear Pundians,

At Pundi X, we believe in harnessing blockchain technology and find ways to integrate it into people’s everyday life and make it better.

To this end we never stop looking for ways to find and create new applications for blockchain. It’s this spirit that has driven us to create the world’s first working blockchain-powered point of sales device.

And today it’s this that has led us to bring blockchain to the world of telephony, data transmission and storage; a world far beyond financial transactions and transfers.

This morning during day 2 of the XBlockchain Summit at the Inaya Putri Bali, we had a public demonstration and made the world’s first blockchain phone call on our latest device: the XPhone.

Unlike traditional phones which require a centralized mobile carrier, XPhone runs independently without the need for that.

And it runs on another Pundi X invention, one which holds even more potential: the Function X blockchain. We’ve developed our own chain which we believe will answer many of the challenges facing the many blockchain platforms today by increasing its scale, ability to publish DApps and achieve true decentralization. It will also revolutionize the way we transmit data of all kinds: giving rise to a truly decentralized internet.

Function X is not just a public chain. It is a total decentralized solution. It consists of five essential components: Function X OS, Function X Blockchain, Function X IPFS, FXTP Protocol, and the Function X Docker. All five have one sole purpose which is to decentralize all apps, website, communications and data.

The Function X OS is based off the Android OS 9.0, so there is a backward compatibility with the Android apps. For developers and users transitioning to the Function X platform, it would be relatively easy as the knowledge and experience from developing and using Android will be transferable.

We also believe it will be easier than ever to create and publish new decentralized applications using the protocol.

In the Function X ecosystem, we use a different system to the internet’s http protocol, consisting of F(X) OS, F(X) Chain, F(X) FXTP, F(X) Docker and F(X) IPFS to serve the decentralized web requests.

Every device in the Function X ecosystem will be a node and each will have its own address and private key, uniquely linked to their node names, not unlike traditional URL and IP addresses.

Once registered, if someone wants to access my public data or content, they can just enter FXTP://xxx.pitt. This is similar to what we do for the traditional https:// protocol.

Whether you are sharing photos, data, files or a website, they can be accessed through this path.

And if my friends would like to contact me, they can call, text or email my XPhone by entering ‘call.pitt’, ‘message.pitt’, or ‘mail.pitt’.

The transmission of data runs on a complex exchange of public and private key data and encryption but it can guarantee communication without interception and gives users direct access to the data shared by others. Any info that is sent or transacted over the Function X Blockchain will also be recorded on the chain.

And that is how a decentralized system for communication works.

We’ll have more to say about the availability of the XPhone and the further applications of Function X in the near future.

But today we’ve delivered proof of a working concept; one that upends centralized communications and adds new dimensions to blockchain technology.

The XPhone OS is currently available to phone manufacturers for testing. The detailed information of Function X will be available on on October 15th. The Function X blockchain, FXTP, IPFS, and XPhone will be officially launched in Q2 2019.

We look forward to having you to join the world of Function X.

Pitt Huang
CTO and Co-founder
Pundi X

