Pundi X onboards Bitcoin ATM operator Equibytes in a step towards easier transactions

Pundi X (writers)
Pundi X
Published in
3 min readAug 18, 2020

Pundi X has recently onboarded Montreal-based money-services business and Bitcoin ATM operator Equibytes as its newest distributor. Equibytes will be responsible for distributing Pundi X’s XPOS point-of-sale devices in Eastern Canada while Pundi X will help ensure that Equibytes transactions are faster, more efficient, and secure.

XPOS device enables brick-and-mortar stores to easily accomplish cryptocurrency transactions, with the backing of blockchain technology. According to Equibytes co-founders Thierry Brégaint and Miguel Ocampo Alaffita, the collaboration with Pundi X enables them to enhance their customer experience in new and exciting ways.

“With the XPOS device, we are able to do quick and easy transactions using the XPASS while at the same time offering Merchants on-chain deposits via the XWallet in less than 10 minutes. This way, funds get to where they are going fast.” —Thierry Brégaint and Miguel Ocampo Alaffita, Equibytes co-founders

This new partnership also dovetails perfectly with both Equibytes and Pundi X’s mission to bring cryptocurrency to the masses. In the case of Equibytes, the company’s goal has always been to offer easy access to Bitcoin and other crypto currencies. Now thanks to Pundi X’s payment system they can help Merchants do that too.

“The partnership is incredibly timely. In a time when pretty much every aspect of life is digitizing, the opportunity to work with Equibytes streamlines the process and makes major digital assets easily accessible. “— Pundi X co-founder and CEO Zac Cheah.

With the COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing lockdowns wreaking havoc on world economies, fiat currencies have now also begun to feel the pinch. As major currencies like the US dollar face the possibility of sinking back to recession levels, investors have now begun to explore alternative assets like cryptocurrency as a hedge against oncoming inflation.

Thus, Pundi X and Equibyte’s initiatives may be the easiest way for first-time cryptocurrency holders to gain necessary exposure to the world of digital assets. Equibyte’s ATMs are spread throughout the city of Montreal, in locations that provide essential services like neighbourhood convenience stores, called “dépanneurs” in Quebec. In the case of Pundi X, their XPOS devices have already been deployed in stores in over 30 countries such as Brazil, Colombia, Japan, South Korea, Spain, US, and more.

“Overall, the collaboration between Pundi X and Equibytes is really just one small step towards more efficient and secure transactions,” concluded Cheah. “If the world can be a better place from it, it’s something we’re all glad to be a part of.”


Founded in 2017, Equibytes is a Canadian money-services business who owns and operates Bitcoin ATM machines all over the Montreal area. Since the company’s inception, it’s mission has been to offer clients easy access to digital money and work closely with businesses that want to get into the space.

For more information, please visit http://www.equibytes.com

