Q3 2023 Token Removal Report

Pundi X (writers)
Pundi X
Published in
2 min readNov 12, 2023

Dear Pundians,

The token removal for Q3 2023 has been finally completed. We took out approximately 5,654 $PUNDIX and 3,946,694,321 $PURSE tokens from their respective supplies.

After the Q3 token removal, the total supply of PUNDIX is now 258,422,692 and the circulating supply of PURSE is 63,219,396,995.

The proof of execution is listed as follows:

Source: https://etherscan.io/tx/0x61247ddd4bb265da3af562350d301e0925485ad5e8bfc577f201111a7c32e3a7

$PURSE’s removal amount is 3,946,694,321 tokens in Q3 2023. You can always check the LIVE token removal amount at https://pursetoken.com/

Please note that 20% BDL transder tax has been removed in Q3 2023. PURSE will continue to have burn mechanism and it goes to reward users who provide liquidity including but not limited to PURSE-stablecoin (Pancake, farmable on pursetoken.com), PURSE (pursetoken.com) and PURSE (fxswap, farmable on baklava.space).

PURSE liquidity will also be changing from BUSD stablecoin to USDT (and other stablecoin) due to the retirement of BUSD by BUSD provider/maintaner Binance and Paxos. We encourage users to remove liquidity and also swap your BUSD to USDT ASAP before providing liquidity For PURSE again.

Q4 2023 quarterly token removal will tentatively be in the second week of January and the schedule is subject to change. To follow our compliance policy, we will only announce the token removal after we execute it.

Stay tuned for our latest announcements across our official social media channels (Twitter, Telegram, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Medium).

