[Step by Step Instructions] Procedure for Filling Pundi X KYC Form

Pundi X (writers)
Pundi X
Published in
4 min readOct 5, 2017

We have prepared these instructions to assist you with your KYC process. Step by step Procedure to fill Pundi X KYC Form is given below.

  1. Step-1 : You can access the KYC from our website, https://pundix.com/ and click ‘Join the Token Sales now’ button. The button is as shown in the image below (please refer to the red square).

2. Step-2: Click the checkbox to confirm that you agree to our Term&Conditions and have fully understood our white paper (please refer to the red square).

Please Note : Make sure that you have already read Pundi X Terms & Condition and Pundi X white paper.

3. Step-3: Welcome to Pundi X’s KYC Application Page. This KYC Form is designed according to regulations stipulated by Isle of Man. Please click ‘Continue’ button to start filling in your information.

4. Step-4: Click the checkbox to confirm that you have agreed to comply with the Risk Acknowledgement and compliance of AML &CFT (please refer to the red square).

Updates(5th October): Citizen, resident or entity of United States, Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia and other countries that forbids Token Sales are prohibited from participating in this Token Sales.

5. Step-5: Investors will have to enter the following details, consist of amount of Pundi X Token that investor want to purchase in ETH and the sender’s wallet address (The form is as shown in the image below).

Note: The first column is to input the amount of ETH that you wish to Purchase, and the second amount will be a calculator to let you know how much PXS tokens you are entitled to in this crowd sales.

Note: The ETH amount input is just for investor reference. Investors that passes the KYC will be entitled to purchase in any amount, whether more or less than the amount he/she has input in the KYC.

Note: This crowd sale is fair and open, all purchase will be recorded in the blockchain and executed by our smart contracts immediately. You will receive your tokens right after you purchase.

Note: Please do not send your purchase from online trading exchange platforms, such as Coinbase or Kraken. Please send it from a wallet which you have ownership of the private key.

6. Step-6: Investors will have to enter the following personal details, consisting of Full name, Nationality, ID Card Number, Email, Birthdate, and Token Sales experience (The form is as shown in the image below).

Note: Please double check your email, it is the only way we can get in touch with you.

7. Step-7: And it is done! You will see the notification in Pundi X web page and you just have to wait for our follow-up email (max 1x24 hours). (Please refer to the red square).

Note: in the event that you have input a wrong info, eg: email address, just go through the KYC process again using another internet browser and as long as you receive a KYC confirmation follow up email (max 1x24 hours) you are ready to purchase.

Updates(7th October): KYC confirmation will be immediate once the pre sales crowd sales open on 7th October 10:00 GMT +8 instead of 24 hours wait.

Happy Purchasing!

