XPOS 2: Jade Dragon Snow Mountain

Pundi X (writers)
Pundi X
Published in
2 min readDec 3, 2017

The Jade Dragon Snow Mountain (玉龙雪山 Yulong Xueshan), located in Yun’nan, China, is the southernmost mountain in the northern hemisphere that is regularly covered in snow.

Jade Dragon Snow Mountain in the backdrop (image source)

Jade Dragon Snow Mountain is regarded as a holy mountain by the indigenous Naxi people. According to Naxi legend, the mountain is the embodiment of Sanduo, the mythological ancestor of the Naxi ethnic group, known for slaying devils and protecting his people. The mountain is blessed with natural landscapes of a subtropical, temperate zone and a cold zone with meadows, glaciers, canyons and waterfalls. It is also home to a number of rare animals and plants. In 2007, the Yulong Snow Mountain scenic area was approved by China’s National Tourism Administration as a national 5A–class scenic spot. [1]

Apart from the spiritual element that prompted the code name for XPOS 2, Pundi X has an R&D team in Shenzhen, China and we chose the name in recognition of the hard work the team has put in.

Mountain top (image source)

[1] http://www.visitourchina.com/lijiang/attraction/yulong-snow-mountain.html

