Coronavirus Diary, Day 1

David Guba
Punk Rock Self-Care
1 min readNov 18, 2021

Day 1

I woke up feeling better, but still no olfactory capabilities. I am married and have 3 kids, and having to sequester myself in the bedroom is difficult. I want to help my spouse. I want to hold my kids. I want to make myself a sandwich. I feel like I’ve lost a lot of my autonomy.

I’m trying to keep busy. I made a to-do list, and got to most of it. I walked around in the yard. I read a little, and watched a lot of tv.

I think what sucks about the precautions, the reasonable clipping of my wings, is that my symptoms are mild. Yeah, I took the trash out half an hour ago, and I’m still mildly sweating from it, but if I’m honest, if I had these symptoms pre-pandemic, I would probably still have gone to work (I’m home until at least the 29th.)

I’m grateful my symptoms are mild. I’m grateful my job will let me take sick time. I’m grateful I have insurance, a home, a family. I truly am. But I am also allowed to feel bad about not being able to live my life as I choose.



David Guba
Punk Rock Self-Care

Author, father of 3 daughters, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu practitioner, musician.