14 Ways to Stay Connected During COVID-19

Published in
11 min readApr 3, 2020

(Originally published on Punkpost.com)

We’re not gonna sugarcoat it: The COVID-19 outbreak is stressful. The fear and anxiety can be overwhelming. Luckily, helping others cope with stress will make you, the people you care about, and your community stronger. Letting people know you are thinking of them can go a long way. We’re big proponents of virtual book clubs, daily FaceTime or WhatsApp calls, and of course, sending handwritten words of encouragement.

Here are 14 people to reach out to today.

1. Those Who Live Alone

We all need connection. Contact helps everyone deal with sadness, loneliness, depression, and panic, but not everyone lives with other people. Working from home is so important right now, but it ain’t good for anyone’s anxiety level. Finding positive ways to connect with people while limiting physical contact is the right idea. Even though this is a serious situation, you can still make some lighthearted toilet paper jokes.

“I hope you are staying healthy and have plenty of toilet paper! Sending a virtual hug and high five!”

“I miss you so much. The coronavirus is really making me lonely without seeing you. I miss you so much!”

2. Nursing Home Residents

Nursing homes are banning visitors. And even if visitors aren’t banned, actively avoiding contact with older relatives is smart to ensure their health and safety. What sucks is this can further exacerbate feelings of loneliness among older folks. So, what can we do to make older loved ones feel less alone? Send a card. Offer to do some virtual visits or even entertaining from afar.

“Thinking of you during this difficult and lonely time. At least the trees are starting to flower here — a reminder that from darkness, there is life. Sending big hugs! Remember: I’m only a phone call away! Missing and loving you with all my heart.”

“Since I can’t visit right now, I wanted you to know I was thinking of you. I love you!”

“I hope you are having a good March. I am sorry I cannot come to see you right now, but I will soon. Everyone is thinking of you and sending all of their love. I am sending a photo of my cat in my new apartment! Miss you!”

“We were just thinking of you and hope you are doing well with the whole social-distancing thing. We hope this card puts a smile on your face. We love you very much.”

3. Longtime Friends

If you’re anything like us, you sometimes wish you were better at keeping in touch with longtime friends. Now is a good time to rekindle “catchup” calls. A 15 minute phone chat with a friend whose voice you haven’t heard in a minute goes along way to making you and them feel less isolated.

“We will get through covid-19 together! Even though we are two blocks apart and can’t see each other, I am here for you. I am so lucky to have you as my best friend.”

“I just wanted to drop you a note to let you know I’m thinking of you and hope you’re doing well. With all this crazy stuff going on with the virus, I hope you are staying away from anything that could jeopardize your health or the health of others. I care about you and miss you very much. Sending good vibes only. Love always.”

“Dear Super Hero. When the coronavirus hits, and crazy people have taken all the Chocolate Chip Peanut Crunch CLIFF Bars, only you will find them and FedEx them to me. I would hug you, but the government says I need to stay away from people. And they are right.”

4. Your Parents and Grandparents

Replacing social routines with social isolation is hard to stomach, especially when some people work so hard to avoid this very thing. Make it easier on empty nesters and grandparents with a whole lot of FaceTiming and some love letters.

“Just thinking of you during this weird time of the coronavirus. I hope you’re stocked up on cocktails, games, and popcorn!”

“We hope you have a wonderful day and wish things were different right now and you could come visit. We will you and we will see you soon!”

Here’s more ideas on what to write to grandparents.

5. Your Kids or Nieces & Nephews

Not being able to visit grandparents or missing play groups — kids might need a little distraction and cheering up too. Let them know that they’re protecting others and being a good community member. Sending them funny jokes, pictures or drawings is always highly encouraged.

“It’s Beignet awhile! But I want you to know, you’re still the cafe to my au last, the po’ to my boy, the crawfish to my étouffée, the beans to my rice., the Larry to my gumbo! Love you!”

“Knock knock. Who’s there? Noah. Noah who? Noah good place we can get something to eat? Tip: Use good manners with your parents and practice flexibility!”

6. Parents with Kids at Home

Shout out to all the parents doing their best right now. It’s tough enough to parent these days without the heightened anxiety. And with kids at home for the next week or two, along with parents trying to work from home with those kids home… well, it might be easy for them to feel like they are starting to lose their minds. Let them know that this is temporary, but you know how tough it is and that you are thinking of them.

“Put those kids to bed, guzzle down some wine or white claws in the bath and have some fun!”

“A simple card to let you know someone in the world is thinking of you right now and smiling.”

7. Teachers

Parents, but now you realize just how much teachers do… and that they should be paid WAY MORE than they are. Let them know that, while you always appreciated them, you have extra appreciation for them after a few days home with your kids and guiding them through their studies.

“Well, it’s confirmed: These kids are brats! Ain’t no classroom like your classroom, because your class is a serious classroom! Teaching is God’s work and, boy, do you need strength to do it. Thanks for taking care of my kids and making them smarter. Not sure I could do this full time.”

“I wanted to tell you how much I appreciated all the hard work that you do every day, not only for my child but all of your students. You do an amazing job! I feel so grateful that my child has you as a teacher this year. Thank you!”

8. Your WFH Roommate or Partner

Working from home with roommates, friends or family can be… um, to put it lightly, challenging. Spending so much time with just a few people can try anyone’s patience. Little spats might arise that wouldn’t normally. Reminding yourselves that you love each other and this is a tough time is a great idea. Words of appreciation or love benefit everyone and can keeps spirits up.

“Hey Hot Stuff! We’re WFH the next couple of weeks, and I can’t think of anyone I’d rather safe social distancing with than you. I’d even brave the barren aisles of Whole Foods for you. Love you.”

“I don’t know what I would do with you. You’re truly my sanity some days. I’m so grateful for your continued support, your creative thinking, and willingness to listen when I just need to talk things out. I’m so grateful. Love you.”

9. Coworkers

Keep the camaraderie chugging as best as you can by hosting virtual pizza parties or remote happy hours where people dial in and share a cocktail on Slack or Skype. Yeah, sure, it might feel kind of weird, but these are weird times, so just go with it. A surprise card from a coworker letting them know they’re doing a great job navigating these strange times never left anyone feeling bad either.

“Now is a particularly challenging time in the world. We’re all figuring out the new way to make the world move forward. I want you to know how much I appreciate you during these times. You’ve hit the ground running, you’re thriving in a new environment and with cover-19. I just want you to know you’re doing amazing. I appreciate you. Thank you.”

“Thank you for your continued support during Covid-19. There are a lot of things that are constantly changing, and we’re all learning how to live our daily lives differently. We appreciate you so much. Please let me know how I can best support you during this time. Thank you for being an amazing leader for us.”

10. Neighbors

Whether you live in an apartment building or a house, it’s nice to know your neighbors are looking out for you. Offer to make runs to pick up groceries for them or to couch them on setting up a home office.

“Enjoy your social distancing and stay healthy.”

“Hope you all are doing well. Our prayers are there for all of you. We hope that this situation gets under control soon. Please take good care of your health and the health of others and stay safe.”

11. March and April Birthdays!

If you have a birthday in the next few weeks, it’s potentially going to feel anticlimactic. Cards have always been a way to affordably celebrate someone when you can’t be there in person. In fact, if you cut out a long commute or have watched EVERYTHING on Netflix, take the time to schedule out all of your birthday cards for the year in advance. It will be a nice change in activity, and also give you boost of endorphins knowing that you’re making lots of people’s day throughout the year.

“I want to wish you the best birthday ever! Enjoy lots of candles, watch Netflix and drink a glass of wine to celebrate!”

“It’s a good year. I mean, minus corona and all. I love you so much. Thank you for being so selfless and loving and caring as a friend. I really love up to you as a role model.”

“Seemed like an appropriate card for the middle of a pandemic…”

Here’s more ideas on what to write in your COVID-19 birthday cards.

12. College Students

Being sent home as a college kid is necessary, but also can be stressful knowing that it might add another semester to your academic life. So let them know that you understand how frustrating it is, but that brighter days are ahead.

“I’m sorry that your semester didn’t go the way it should have, but I’m sending all the bright & sunny good vibes your way for the rest of the spring.”

“This stinking virus is wreaking havoc on everything. First, we’re sent home from school. Then, no St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Now, our Spring Break trip is canceled. I hope you find a green beer to drink, but not too close to others. Have one for me too.”

13. Those Who Can’t WFH

There are people out there who still have to go to work to make things better for the rest of us. From your garbage collector and first responders to grocery store employees and medical professionals, these people are truly at the frontlines of the coronavirus. Sending thanks and appreciation there will can provide a moment of brightness in what else might be a stressful day. Words of encouragement make a difference, and is something you can do even when you’re feeling helpless.

“Thank you so much for taking such excellent care of so many people, including my best friend and grandpa. He called and said you were on e of the best nurses he has ever had. I am so comforted knowing that he feels cared for and is in good hands. He mentioned you even laugh at his jokes. I’m so grateful for you. Thank a million.”

“Thank you for everything during this time. You’ve been patient, kind, and helpful. You made what could been a miserable experience almost fun!”

14. Postponements

Some of your friends have had to postpone an event they’ve been working on for a while, whether it’s a big conference or even a wedding. Having to put things like this on hold is never easy and can be an emotional rollercoaster. So reach out to that person and let them know that you understand this is difficult. Reassure them they are doing the right thing and remind them that you will absolutely be there and show up for them times ten at a later date.

“We are so sorry your wedding date is postponed due to covid-19. We are looking forward to celebrating with you, better than ever, once the world returns to normal. Until then, enjoy some takeout on us! All our love.”

“Hey guys, I’m so sorry that you had to postpone your wedding! This must be so stressful! Hopefully this will end soon and we will celebrate your love like never before! I can’t wait!”

Inspired? Open the Punkpost iOS app or website, and send a card right from your phone or computer. Once you order, a real person will write your card and drop it in the mail for you.




Send beautifully handwritten cards as quick as texting. 💌🎉 punkpost.com