ShareGrid Creates Loyalty With Handwritten Cards

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4 min readMar 13, 2018
Credit: ShareGrid

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Every Friday, ShareGrid — a camera rental community and company—orders cards through Punkpost Projects. “It’s a formal part of our community development efforts now,” says James Keblas, Director of Business Development at ShareGrid. “It creates a loyalty between ShareGrid and our members. Like all businesses, we have competition, so we are always trying to build a meaningful connection. The cards help us do that.”

During the week, they collect names and addresses of people who should get a card, such as event partners, special guests, members with milestones, first-time renters and people who team members just want to thank. Then, they pick cards, choose a style and make special requests.

While ShareGrid has had a practice of sending personalized notes from its inception, it wasn’t scalable for the company to continue doing it in-house. It now has more 40,000 photographers and filmmakers using its service with about a 100 more joining every day. ShareGrid found Punkpost to be the solution to continue its card-sending tradition as it rapidly grows.

Punkpost specifically appealed to Keblas because each card is written by a real person. “For us, that is what makes it special,” he says. “ShareGrid is a community of artists so we thought that it would be nice to start sending cards to them.”

While Punkpost cards aren’t the only way they encourage and thank their community, Keblas says, “It often times costs us the least, but gets the most appreciation.”

People love the cards ShareGrid sends with Punkpost so much that they often share their appreciation on social media. “We always hear that the cards are so nice that they stay on desks or walls,” Keblas says, “and don’t get thrown away.”

ShareGrid receives thanks from its community members for the Punkpost cards via Twitter.

Beyond social thanks, the cards have helped ShareGrid build business relationships. SharedGrid had a supplier, Keblas says, that was very skeptical about working with them. They had met a few times, but they couldn’t get them to commit. Then, after a meeting last summer, ShareGrid followed up with a card. “We had the artist do some work that was really reflective of this person, business and their interests,” Keblas says. “After the supplier received the card, he called us up and said he was really impressed with the personal touch and we ended up doing business together. This kind of thing happens often.”

By using Punkpost Projects, our web-based application, ShareGrid builds and strengthens its community. From Punkpost Projects, Keblas and other ShareGrid team members can make fun requests and see how the Punkpost artists bring it to life. “We look at every card that is made,” he says. Many of their requests have a film theme, such as camera equipment, James Bond or the Oscars.

“Our primary goal is to show gratitude and give people a little something that will delight them. In an age of screens, the cards really stand out and make the recipients feel special.”

Want to use Punkpost Projects to build your company? Sign up and start sending cards today.




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