Letters to Write for Change

Published in
6 min readJun 5, 2020

(Originally published on Punkpost.com)

Don’t overlook the power of a handwritten letter. It’s a simple, yet effective, way to grab attention, advocate for justice and support the Black Lives Matter movement.

Here at Punkpost, we know handwritten letters receive more attention. We’ve pulled together snail mail resources to help you support friends, neighbors and loved ones who are marching and demanding justice, accountability and change from leadership.

Read on to learn how to write your representatives, send support to the Floyd family, and demand justice for people in the Black community.

Grab a pen and help us support the Black Lives Matter movement!

Send Letters of Support and Love to the Floyd Family

George Floyd’s family has requested cards, letters of encouragement and contributions in the form of a money order/check be mailed to:

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The Estate of George Floyd

c/o Ben Crump Law, PLLC

122 S. Calhoun Street

Tallahassee, FL 32301

Attn: Adner Marcelin

— — — — —

Here’s a message to get your own thoughts started: “Floyd Family, There are no words to take away the hurt that you are feeling from the needless and senseless murder of George. The entire world is by your side to make sure that this doesn’t happen to another son, father, brother or friend again. With love and remembrance.”

You can also support the Floyd family by donating to the Official George Floyd Memorial Fund on GoFundMe.

Demand Justice for Breonna Taylor

Breonna Taylor’s birthday is June 5. You can help demand justice for her by sending birthday cards to the Kentucky Attorney General, Daniel Cameron, and Louisville Mayor, Greg Fischer, calling for charges to be laid against the officers who killed her. Punkpost handwriting artist Sarah Hurwitz has created free printable. It’s as simple as printing the card, writing the addresses below on envelopes, and adding a stamp.

You can also write your own cards and send them to the two addresses below.

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Office of the Attorney General

700 Capitol Ave

Suite 118

Frankfurt, KY, 40601

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Mayor Greg Fischer

Metro Hall

4th Floor

527 West Jefferson St.

Louisville, KY 40202

— — — — —

Here’s a message idea to get you started: “Breonna Taylor would have turned 27 on June 5. I want to celebrate her life by demanding justice for her. Charge the officers who murdered her.”

Demand Justice for Ahmuad Arbery

You can help demand justice for Ahmuad Arbery, a 25-year-old Black man who was out jogging when he was chased down and shot. Write to Georgia District Attorneys George Barnhill and Jackie Johnson, and ask them to step down because of their inaction in the case of Ahmuad Arbery. You can mail your letter to:

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George E. Barnhill, District Attorney

306 Albany Avenue

Waycross, GA 31501

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Jackie Johnson, District Attorney

701 H St, Box 301

Brunswick, GA 31520

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Here is a suggested message modified from Colors of Change: “Dear District Attorney George Barnhill and District Attorney Jackie Johnson, Ahmaud Arbery was barbarically shot & killed by Gregory & Travis McMichael. Because of your recommendations to the Glynn County police department, the McMichaels went MONTHS without getting arrested. Take responsibility for the large role you played in delaying justice for Ahmaud. Step down immediately.”

Write to Your Representatives

The importance of contacting your officials cannot be overstated.

Find your legislator’s information and bust out the paper and pen. Don’t be discouraged if you get an auto response. These letters are tallied, and have the most impact when many of us write and make noise. If we all get to writing, soon those desks will be overflowing with far too many letters to ignore.

Tips on Writing Letters to Your Representative

Don’t get hung up on writing the perfect letter. There is no such thing. The goal is for you to take your opinions and put them on paper so your representatives knows where you stand and the change you’d like to see. Here’s a few tips from the ACLU:

  • keep it short, writing no more than one page.
  • let them know who you are, where you’re from and the issue you’re writing to them about.
  • pick up to three strong points and stick to those topics.
  • personalize the letter. This shows why the issue matters to you specifically and can persuade/shape your representatives position on the matter.

Topics for Letters to Representatives

The ACLU has in-depth resources on topics, such as racial justice. Each page contains a general overview, current issues and resources to help you take action. You’ll find additional information on racial bias, police accountability and more.

The NAACP is another great resource for information. You can find more information on criminal justice, voting policies, and justice for George Floyd.

Example of a Letter to Your Representative

Use this example letter as a starting point for your own letter. Don’t forget to personalize the letter and include the issues that are the most important to you.

Dear [Representative],

My name is [Your Name], and I am constituent from the [District Name] District. I am writing you because I want to know what you will do to protect Black lives and prevent further instances of police brutality. I am writing to urge you to condemn police brutality, racial profiling and the use of excessive force by police.


[Your Name]

Letters of Change Don’t Stop Here

We’ll continue to add to this list. If you know of any other letters we could be writing, send the information and address to media@punkpost.com with the subject line “Letters to Write for Change.”

Send a Card With Punkpost

We encourage all letter writing, whether you grab a pen and paper yourself, or get a little help from our handwriting artists. If you use Punkpost to send a card for one of the above causes, we will credit your account and your next card will be on us. To receive the free card credit, please email hello@punkpost.com with the subject line “Letters to Write for Change.” In the email, let us know what type of card you sent and the email associated with your Punkpost account. Our amazing customer service team will work with you to credit a free card to you. Please be patient with them as they process these requests.

About Punkpost

Punkpost sends beautifully handwritten cards, mailed by artists for you. Customers place orders via the Punkpost iOS app or online platform in the amount of time it takes to send a text. From there, one of our 100+ U.S.-based handwriting artists get to work, turning a typed message into a custom, handwritten design on the card of your choosing, and it’s in the mail within 24 hours. Punkpost is the dashboard for creating and managing happy moments. The first card is free and after that, they start at $7. For more info or to start sending love today, visit Punkpost.com, follow us @PunkpostCo or download the app for iOS.




Send beautifully handwritten cards as quick as texting. 💌🎉 punkpost.com